My Favourite Character
Lesson 13.3 My Favourite Character
1. Find the pairs and speak about these characters.
A and 5
Benedict the bird lived in the nest with his brothers and sisters.
2. Choose one character and speak about him/her. Let your partner guess your character.
My character is tall, strong and messy. My character has got children. My character is in the park.
– Is it Mother Monster?
– Yes, it is.
Messy | Friendly | Tall |
Fluffy | Pretty | Noisy |
Young | Old | Short |
3. Whose things are they?
It is the zookeeper’s pail with fish.
4. Listen and fill in the
Always | Often | Sometimes | Never |
Miss Mouse | |||
Michael | |||
Daisy | |||
Yellowie |
5. Look at the table and find where there is no information. Add it to the table and speak about it.
6. Correct 7 mistakes.
1. Monsters hide from their always mother.
2. Ghost sometimes Fred wants to play with George in the house
3. Miss Mouse grows never big gardens, not any more.
4. Always Michael keeps secrets now.
5. The family of bears travels by car often.
6. Often Benedict looks for a new nest, but he finds it never.
7. Say where these characters are.
In | Over | Behind |
Under | On | In front of |
8. Which character is your favourite? Write about him/her.
… is… | … can… | … went… |
… has got… | … is…er than… | I like… |
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