Look and say what children celebrate. Read the text.
It was Easter Sunday. Mary took a little basket and went to the garden. She went there to look for* Easter eggs.
“Mum, why are Easter eggs yellow, red, green and blue? Do they come from colourful hens?” Mary asked.
“No,” Mum said. “They are of different colours because we paint them.”
The girl asked, “Why do you paint the eggs?”
Mum said, “It’s an Easter tradition. A tradition is something people do every year.”
“Next year I will help you paint the eggs, too,” Mary said.
2. Choose and complete.
1. On Easter Sunday Mary went… .
A to the kitchen B to the park C to the garden
2. She went there to look for… .
A Easter Bunny B Easter presents C Easter eggs
3. An Easter tradition is. .
A to look for colourful hens B to paint Easter eggs C to paint Easter baskets
3. Answer the questions.
1. What holiday is the text about?
2. What did Mary do?
3. What did the girl ask her Mum about?
4. What was her Mum’s answer?
4. Talk about Easter.
What Easter traditions do you have?
* to look for – шукати
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