II семестр
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення, уживання нових лексичних одиниць і монологічного висловлювання; розвивати мовну здогадку, пам’ять; виховувати любов до своєї країни, інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.
1. Warm-up
1) What’s your favourite place in your country? Is it popular with many people? Why?
2) What are the most popular ways of spending holidays in your country?
3) What way do you prefer?
4) Would you like to try some kind of extreme rest?
2. Listening and speaking Work in pairs.
Exchange your leaflets which you’ve prepared for the lesson and ask your partner some questions
3. Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary.
Using pictures make up as many sentences as you can. Practise the new vocabulary chorally and individually in different sentences.
4. Reading
Read the text in Ex. 1, p. 146. Do Ex. 2, p. 146.
Complete the sentences.
Souvenirs country holidays walking boots Go scuba diving a map a rucksack a compass |
1) When you go to the mountain you should take ___ and have _____.
2) You should have___ and ____ not to lose your way.
3) You can buy ____ at a local market.
4) Be careful when you _____.
5) If you prefer walking in the forest you should go on ____.
5. Speaking
Practise the new vocabulary and will.
6. Writing
Rearrange the words in the sentences in the correct order.
1) will, my, summer, hiking, friends, go, next
2) parents,
3) does, underwater, my, fantastic, always, photos, father,
4) a tent, going, in, we, are, live, not, to
5) a, going, have, rest, country, they, in, are, to, the
7. Speaking
Do Ex. 3, 4, p. 147.
8. Summary
Discuss with your classmates which activities you prefer.
Programme in Swansea House. Choose what you like.
Day | Morning | Afternoon | Evening |
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday | Arrive All day sailing Day trip Hill walking Go fishing Go rock climbing Play badminton Enjoy the sun on the beach | Map work Go swimming Go scuba diving Depart | Disco Film Welsh Folk Evening Barbecue Singsong Talent show Disco |
9. Homework
Ex. 5, p. 147.