Після уроків


Lesson 7

Тема. Після уроків


Навчальна: активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення, удосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

Розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам’ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність;

Виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Обладнання: плакат “Шкільне

життя”, тематичні картки.

Хід уроку


1. Pupils work out anagrams of the holiday words written on the board: racnival (carnival), Chstmasri (Christmas), aEster (Easter), lidayho (holiday).


2. Look, match and say (p. 136, ex. 1).

Ask the pupils to look at the picture.

Teach the new word combinations, pointing at the pictures or miming. Drill the pronunciation.

Say the word combinations, pausing after the words for the class to repeat.

If the pupils have difficulties, translate them into their native language.

Make sentences with the word combinations using “can” / “can’t”.

Pupils repeat.

Ask the pupils to make up their own sentences using the new word combinations.

Stick the pictures with the new words to the first column on the board.

Write the new words in the second column.

Ask the pupils to match them.


3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 136, ex. 2).

Ask the pupils to look at the picture.


the pupils to read the questions.

Pair work: Some pupils read the questions to the picture. Other pupils answer them.

In pairs, pupils read and practice the questions.

One or two pairs act out the dialogues.

4. Let’s exercise. Listen and do (p. 137, ex. 3).

Read the poem and mime. Pupils listen and watch.

Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils mime.

Ask the pupils to read the poem too. Do choral and individual repetition.

Read the poem and translate some words if necessary.

Tell the pupils to stand up. Say the poem and do the actions. Ask the pupils to repeat after you.


5. Choose and say. Write about a boy or a girl (p. 137 ex. 4).

Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers.

While the pupils are reading their right answers, ask the other pupils to draw pictures of the boy and the girl.

Key: 1. a girl; 2. a boy; 3. a question mark; 4. a fishing rod; 5. a fish pet in an aquarium.


6. Speak English (p. 137, ex. 5).

Ask the pupils to tell you what they can do in their free time. Use the words from p. 136, ex. 1.


Draw what you do in your free time.

Action Book: Each pupil contributes a page. Get the pupils to draw or find a picture of any leisure activity and write a short description.

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