Сімейне свято


Lesson 2

Тема. Сімейне свято


Навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лек­сичними одиницями;

Розвивальна: розвивати інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності, різні типи пам’яті – слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати в парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, формувати почуття гордості за свою сім’ю;

Виховна: виховувати дбайливе ставлення до членів своєї родини, культуру співбесіди, риси характеру: доброзичливість, толерантність,

активність, повагу й любов до всіх членів родини, культуру спілкування, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Обладнання: картки на тему “Сімейне свято”.

Хід уроку


1. Ask individual pupils to mime an activity, e. g., swimming. The other pupils guess what the activity is. Play two or three rounds to revise the words.

2. Odd one out

Write four words on the board, three of which belong to a lexical set (e. g., animals, colours, food, toys) and one does not.

Pupils have to say which one does not belong to the group (e. g., egg, apple, bear, banana – the odd one out is bear as it is not food).

This can also be played with drawings or pictures on the board.


2. Listen and repeat (p. 106, ex. 1).

Books open. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures.

Teach and then drill the new words shown in the pictures. Say the word combination and point at the picture. Pupils listen and

repeat several times.

Pupils take turns to read out the words. The other pupils point at the pictures. Help them with pronunciation.

3. Speak in class (p. 106, ex. 2).

Pupils speak about the preparations for parties in their families.

They read the sentences from the table written on the board and use the story from the exercise.



A cake.

My Mum


The room.

My Dad


A postcard.

My brother


The guests.

My sister


The presents.


A present.

4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 106, ex. 3).

Ask a few questions in English about the picture: “How many children can you see? Where are they? What colour is the girl’s dress? Who has got a sweater? What colour is it?” etc.

Dialogue: In pairs, pupils read and practice the story.

One or two pairs act out the dialogue.


5. Work in pairs. Act out (p. 107, ex. 4).

Read the questions opening the brackets. Pupils listen and repeat.

In pairs, pupils read and practice other questions and answers. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.

Act out the dialogue. Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let the pupil choose a partner to act it out with.

Repeat with several different pupils. Ask the pupils to imitate the sounds and mime the actions.


6. Look, complete and say (p. 107, ex. 5).

Look at the pictures and match with the words from the table.

Read the words only and mime them.

Read the sentences and complete them with the words from the table.

Key: 1. invite; 2. open; 3. buy; 4. write; 5. bakes.

7. Write (p. 107, ex. 6).

Ask the pupils to complete the questions using the questions from p. 106, ex. 3.


8. Speak English (p. 107, ex. 7).

Describe your mother’s birthday.

Describe the guests’ clothes.

Describe what guests do and eat.


Bring some photos from your family party. Describe the party.

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