Цілі: вдосконалювати лексичні навички й навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати відповідальне ставлення до вибору майбутньої професії, а також загальну культуру учнів.



1) At what age do people usually begin to work in your country?

2) Have you ever done volunteer work?

2. Reading

Do ex. 9, p. 49.

3. Speaking

Work in pairs

Do the Summer Job Quiz and discuss the answers with your partner.

Summer jobs are not just about the cash! In fact, there are countless ways they can help shape your future career. Try this quick quiz on the benefits summer employment can deliver. You may learn a thing or two by the time you’re


1) Summer jobs are great for:

A) Sleeping in on mornings

B) Getting away from little sisters or nosy roommates

C) Getting valuable work experience and forging professional ties

2) If your employer asks you to do something you’ve never done before, you should:

A) Fake it. What’s the worst that could happen?

B) Ask someone to show you how it’s done

C) Call Mom

3) When looking for a summer job, you should target positions that:

A) Are in line with your career aspirations and build on past experience

B) Introduce you to a new field you want to try out

C) Let you focus on kicking back and having fun

4) A summer job is a wonderful opportunity to decide whether you prefer:

A) Brown bagging it or buying the cafeteria’s daily special

B) Keeping regular hours or doing lots of overtime

C) Using brightly coloured paper clips or the plain metal ones

5) What type of summer job is most valuable?

A) A job you can’t wait to go to every morning where your colleagues are great,

you have an office to yourself and the pay is generous.

B) A job you dislike, where your colleagues get on your nerves, your workspace is lime green and bubble-gum pink and your wages won’t cover any more than two toppings when you order pizza.

C) A run-of-the-mill job where your colleagues are mostly okay, your desk is in an abandoned supply room and the money is so-so.

6) On the last day of your summer job, it’s a good idea to:

A) Make a photocopy of your backside and post it on the company bulletin board

B) Shout “Hallelujah, I’m free!” and get while the getting’s good

C) Offer your boss $50 to hire you back next summer


1) We’re starting off with an easy one. While answers (a) and (b) may be tempting, they’re never the best reasons to take a summer job. Work experience and professional ties are much more important in the long run, so take your job seriously. You’ll develop successful work habits to last a lifetime!

2) Did you choose answer (b)? Don’t worry if you don’t know everything right off the bat. Most employers know student workers are young and inexperienced, and will probably provide training. If not, there’s no shame in asking for a little help.

3) This one’s a little tougher. All three are valid goals, so the answer that’s right for you depends on several factors, including your age, your experience and how your career is progressing.

For instance, if you’re dead set on being a florist but haven’t got any experience, you’re probably best to look for summer employment in a flower shop. >

4) Answer (b) makes most sense here. One of the best things about summer jobs is that they give you the opportunity to decide what kind of job best suits you before you begin your career.

Do you prefer sticking to a routine or constantly changing projects? Do you like to be part of a team or are you happier working on your own? Are you more motivated by wages or flexible hours? Take advantage of the freedom summer jobs offer and find out!

5) While job (a) is probably the one most of us would pick, every job is a great opportunity to define your likes and dislikes and narrow down future career choices. Depending on your own circumstances, it may even be worthwhile choosing job (c) over job (a) just so you have more to think about!

6) It’s a trick question: the answer is “None of the above”. Even though summer jobs are temporary, they’re a great opportunity to build professional ties. Never burn your bridges when you leave: not only may you want to return to the same job next year, but any one of your coworkers could turn out to be your supervisor one day. Always be professional and you’ll never have any regrets.

4. Reading and writing

Read the commentary from the net page as for summer work in Alaska and take notes if such work suits or doesn’t suit you.


If you’ve dreamt of a trip to Alaska summer is the right time to visit the 49 th state.

Seafood processors in coastal communities are always looking for workers who don’t mind the long hours and working conditions. Work as little or as long as you choose. Some folks arrive on vacation and stay the entire summer.

Most processors usually offer housing and meals at a minimal cost. Hostels, В & Bs, RV parks, campgrounds, and wilderness camps are available if you prefer to find your own accommodations.

Most of these communities offer sport fishing charters, marine and glacier tours, flight-seeing, kayak rentals, and hiking to name a few.

To work you will need your social security card and state I. D. or driver’s license. You must either be a U. S. citizen or obtain a work visa and be at least 18.

Wages vary from about $6 to $7.50 per hour. Any time worked over an 8-hour period is considered overtime. Most processors work very long shifts.

5. Summary

Do you think young people care enough about their employment prospects?

6. Homework

Ex. 2, p. 71.

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