Який у тебе портфель?


Lesson 3

Тема. Який у тебе портфель?


Навчальна: ознайомити з якісними прикметниками, увести їх у мову, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення, удосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

Розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам’ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні вміння з опорою на наочність;

Виховна: виховувати зацікавленість

у розширенні своїх знань.

Обладнання: плакат “Шкільні речі”, тематичні картки.

Хід уроку


1. Revise the classroom vocabulary and prepositions. Put classroom things in different places and ask the pupils to describe where the things are. Ask questions to help the pupils.


2. Listen and repeat. Say (p. 128, ex. 1).

Present the “Which…?” question by using pairs of objects hidden in your hand, e. g., show two pencils; then hold them up partly hidden in your hand; point at one of them and ask: “Which pencil is this, the long one or the short one?” Do the same with two rubbers, hidden completely in your hand: “Which rubber is in this hand, the new one or the old one?” Point out that the word “one” is used to avoid having to repeat the noun every time. Help the pupils to give short answers: “The long one. / The new one.”

Use the same explanation with the other words.



Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 128, ex. 2).

Pair work: Pupils ask questions to each other.

– What is your bag like? – It’s new.

– Is it long? – Yes, it is.

In pairs, pupils practice the dialogue using the new words. One or two pairs act out the dialogue.

Group work: Pupils work in groups of four. They practice for a few minutes. Go round the class helping.

One or two groups ask and answer the questions.

4. Look and say (p. 128, ex. 3).

Ask the pupils to look at the picture.

Ask questions about the objects: “How many books can you see? How many bags / pens can you see?” etc.

Choose two or three of the questions for the pupils to answer in writing.

In pairs, pupils read and practice the descriptions.

Pupils practice the questions and answers as a dialogue.

One or two pairs act out the dialogue.

5. Match and say (p. 129, ex. 4).

Ask individual students to match the questions and answers checking with the picture (p. 128, ex. 3).

Pair work: In pairs, pupils take turns to ask each other the same questions checking the answers.


6. Play a game. Say and draw (p. 129, ex. 5).

Write the sentences on the board. Replace the words in italics with colour flashcards or classroom object flashcards.

Pupils look at the sentences and read the new variants.

Pupils draw the objects in their pictures using coloured pencils.

Pupils may also write the sentences in their copy books.

7. Speak in class (p. 129, ex. 6).

Stick the pictures to the board.

Ask the pupils to describe some of them. Pupils choose the pictures they like.


8. Speak English (p. 129, ex. 7).

Ask the pupils to describe the objects they use at English lessons.


Word Banks Project: School Objects Book. Draw two or three school objects and describe them.

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