Бережи здоров’я. Травми та їх лікування

І семестр



Тема. Бережи здоров’я. Травми та їх лікування


– вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, усного та писемного мовлення;

– формувати навички вживання ситуативних та тематичних лексичних одиниць у граматичних структурах теми;

– виховувати естетичні смаки, культуру поведінки за столом, правила мовного етикету;

– розвивати елементи критичного й аналітичного мислення.


I. Організація класу. Привітання

II. Підготовка

до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.

III. Основна частина уроку

A) Перевірка виконання домашнього завдання. English proverbs

B) Впр. 1, с. 64 – look at the picture and say what accidents all these people have had.

C) Listen (tapescript 23, p. 189) to how they explain their accidents to the doctor and check your guesses.

D) Find the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words.

A scald – опік від окропу чи пари

A burn – тепловий опік або від вогню

A scratch – подряпина

Food poisoning – харчове отруєння

A cut – поріз

To bleed – кровоточити

A bruise – синець

E) Впр. 2, с. 65

What do you usually do for those problems? What help do you take? There are many things people use in such cases. How do you think the things in the picture can help?

F) Discuss

the following questions.

What does the expression to be safe mean?

Are you always safe? When do you feel that you are unsafe?

Can you feel safe at home? Are there any dangers at home?

Can you have an accident at home?

Can you feel safe at school? Are there any dangers there?

Are you safe in the street and in other public places?

What dangers can wait for you there?

G) Listen to the story and discuss it.

“A Medical Examination”

John Poisoner, a young student, had answered all the questions correctly.

Professor Syringe looked at the young man. He liked the answers and thought that John would be a fine doctor however the exam was not over yet.

The professor said, “Here is an easy question for you. What is the dosage to be used in the case you’ve just described? The medicine that you suggested is the best you could think of; what I want to know now is the dosage”.

The student replied in a strong voice, “A tablespoonful”.

“Thank you!” said the examiner whose face had turned red. “Thank you”, repeated the professor and the young man got up to leave the room. But as John Poisoner was making for the door he suddenly realized what a mistake he had made. He turned round and said, “I am sorry, sir, the dosage is six drops only”.

“Too late”, answered the professor, “the patient you treated is dead!”

How did John answer all the questions during the exam?

What did the professor think of the young man?

Why did the professor ask John one more question?

The professor liked John’s answer, didn’t he?

What mistake did the student made? Why?

Could you think John’s mark would be good or not?

Did the examiner change his mind? Give your reasons.

IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 4, с. 65.

Підсумки уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку та оцінює роботу учнів.

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