Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання 2nd Conditionals; вдосконалювати навички читання і говоріння; розвивати логічне мислення; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань щодо кулінарних традицій у світі.


1. Warm-up

1) What is your opinion of Chinese food?

2) American food?

3) British food?

4) India food?

5) Greek food?

6) Ukrainian food?

7) What cuisine do you think is more nutritious?

2. Writing

Complete the sentences with 2nd Conditional and the words from the box. Janine is a daydreamer. She imagines what would happen if she won the lottery.

Play change be have like

buy own build feel be come find have pick charter be hit have invite want

1) If I________ the lottery, I _____a chance to hit the jackpot.

2) If I________ the jackpot, I ____ rich.

3) If I ____ rich, my life _____ completely.

4) I____________ a lonely island, if I _____ a nice one.

5) If I__________ a lonely island, I _____ a huge house by the beach.

6) I____________ all my friends if I _____ a house by the beach.

7) I______________________ my friends up in my yacht if they ____ to spend their holidays on my island.

8) We ____ great parties if my friends to my island.

9) If we___________________ to go shopping in a big city, we _____ a helicopter.

10) But if my friends’ holidays ____ over, I ____ very lonely on my lonely is­ land.

Key: 1 played, would have; 2 hit, would be; 3 were, would change; 4 would buy, found; 5 owned, would build; 6 would invite, had; 7 would pick, wanted; 8 would have, came; 9 liked, would charter; 10 were, would feel.

3. Reading

Imagine that you are going to Korea and you want to

something con­cerning Korean food.

Read some information from a site for travellers and find the answers to the following questions:

1) What is the general impression of Korean food?

2) Is the food spicy?

3) What is Kimchi?

4) Are there any Korean customs around meal times?

5) What are the supermarkets like?

6) Where can I eat out?

7) Can you drink the water?

Korean food can be very spicy for foreigners. The national food, which is a staple at each meal, is kimchi, a spicy fermented cabbage. You will eat this a lot when you stay in Korea. A lot of chili peppers and garlic is used in preparing Korean food. Rice is also served with every meal. There is a large selection of spicy soups, fried rice, stews and noodle dishes to tempt your taste buds. Every meal is served with side dishes, which vary in every res­taurant. You can experience the variety of food South Korea has to offer. Korean BBQ is popular among foreigners. Small pieces of meat are brought to your table and cooked right in front of you.

Most Korean food is quite spicy >

You may not want to try the Kimchi when you first arrive. However, most foreigners end up acquiring a taste for it as it is unavoidable in Korea! Kimchi can be made from celery, cabbage, turnips or cucumbers seasoned with s>

Table manners are extremely important in Korea and Koreans rarely eat with their fingers. It is advantageous to learn the do’s and don’ts of Korean culture. They use a spoon and metal chopsticks which makes for an interest­ing learning experience! Spoons are used to scoop rice, soup and stews while chopsticks are generally used to eat from the many side dishes. Using both sets of utensils at the same time is considered to be bad manners, >

All Korean cities have department stores which often contain a large supermarket in the basement. A lot of the food you will not recognize. However, there are many similar foods to what you are used to. Supermar­ket shopping is an interesting experience and sometimes trial and error is the only way to learn your way around. If you are really craving food from home, there are a number of places in Seoul that specialize in international foods.

Big Western food chains like Pizza Hut, Burger King, OutBack Steak – house and TGI Fridays are popping up all over the place. Pizza is popular and there are bakeries on every corner. Japanese Restaurants are easy to find too. Fruit and vegetables are sold almost everywhere so staying he>

Tap water in Korea’s cities will not make you sick. It may not be the best stuff in the world, but it probably won’t kill you. Many Koreans, par­ticularly in the summer time get water from local mountain springs. You can get bottled water delivered to your home quite cheaply – with a delivery service a five liter bottle of water will cost you around USD $6. Buying bot­tles of water is about $1 for a 1.5L.

4. Summary

What restaurant in your city can you recommend?

Why is it a good place?

About how much does a meal cost there?

5. Homework

Write a short review about a restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine in your city.

Ви зараз читаєте: FOOD AROUND THE WORLD