Кому потрібен чистий будинок?
II Семестр
Тема. Кому потрібен чистий будинок?
– вдосконалювати навички читання, вживання ЛО у ММ учнів;
– формувати мовні навички з вживання модальних дієслів;
– формувати мовні навички під час обговорення проблемних завдань;
– вчити учнів самостійно і критично оцінювати події та явища навколишнього середовища.
I. Організація класу. Привітання
II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення
Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.
A) Перевірка виконання домашнього завдання – using the questions of Ex. 4a describe one the gadgets you have at home. Don’t forget about linking words too / also / plus / either
B) Bпp. 1, c. 122 – what do we use to do household chores?
Match the pictures with words and words and word combinations.
Dishcloths 4
Iron 3
Mop 7
Scrubbing 6
Detergent 1
Polish 2
Broom 5
Shoe polish 8
C) Bпp. 2, c. 122-123 – discuss the following questions
How often do you tidy up your room / flat / house?
Do you dust the furniture every day?
Do you sweep or hoover the floor?
Do you sweep cobwebs in your house?
Do you wash clothes by hand or use a washing machine?
Do you do the dishes by hand or use a dishwasher?
Is it necessary to scrub the floor in your house?
Does each member of your family polish shoes or is there anybody responsible for it?
Do you prefer to beat the carpets or
Do you mop the floor or clean it without a mop?
D) Bпp. 3, c. 123 – read the story and comment on it
Are Mr. and Mrs. Smith untidy people?
Where do they leave their clothes?
Where do they leave the dirty dishes? Why?
When do they leave the washing-up?
When do they wash their clothes?
How long did Marie work? Why?
Why did the house look spotless?
Where is it easier to find things – in a clean room or in a dirty one?
Can you easily find some things you need in your room?
Do your parents and friends think you are tidy?
What kind of housework do you most hate doing?
What kind of housework do you least mind doing?
Do you share housework with the rest of the family?
Who does most of the housework in your house?
IV. Завершальна частина уроку
Домашнє завдання
“My household duties”
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