Lesson 27
Lesson 27
1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. Does your father wear striped ties or plain ones?
2. Do you usually wear flowered dresses or polka dot ones?
3. Does your uncle try on a checked or a plain shirt?
4. Do you like plain skirts or with a pattern?
2. Make up seven sentences using the table.
I My sister My aunt My uncle My father My mother | Wear(s) Put(s) on Like(s) | A checked Plain A striped A flowered A polka dot A leather | Belt. Suit. Sweater. T-shirt. Blouse. Jacket. Jeans. |
3. Ask your classmate what kind of clothes he/she likes to wear.
4. Work in pairs. Act out the dialogues
1. A: How do you like my shirt?
B: Your shirt is too small. It’s not your size.
2. A: How do you like my trousers?
B: Your trousers are too big.
Why don’t you have them taken in?
3. A: This jacket is the kind of thing I want. Can I try it on?
B: Of course, you can! The fitting room is over there.
4. A: You look hot in that sweater.
Why don’t you take it off?
B: You are right. I must change it.
5. Look at the pictures and say: a) what you like (don’t like) to wear;
B) what you will put on tomorrow.
Model: I don’t like to wear suits with a pattern. I like plain ones. Tomorrow I shall put on plain jeans, socks, shoes and a polka dot T-shirt.
6. Read the quote about clothing. Do you agree with it? Why/Why not? Write 5-7 sentences.
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
(Mark Twain)
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