Meet Benedict!
Lesson 5.1 Meet Benedict!
1. What is there in your village, town or city?
There is a church in our village.
2. Do you know these words?
Live | See | Take |
Fly | Sit | Have |
Find | Come | Like |
Make up sentences with the words and pictures above
People like our church and go there on Sundays.
I lived in a village last year. | I didn’t live… |
She saw a nice house two days ago. | She didn’t see… |
They took a bag to go to the shop yesterday. | They didn’t take… |
Two days ago I take / took your book.
Yesterday I saw / see her when I come / came to school.
Last year I found / find a nice place to rest.
Last week I flew /fly to Odessa and sit / sat by the window.
Yesterday I have / had a picnic.
4. Where can Benedict live?
Benedict can live in a house.
Benedict can live in a church.
Benedict can live in a…
Benedict can…
5. Listen to the story and say where Benedict lived / didn’t live.
6. Listen again and make up the sentences.
… lived… | … flew… |
… liked playing… | … sat in the… |
… didn’t like… | … came and took… |
7. Say as many true sentences about Benedict as you can.
Benedict lived…
Benedict didn’t…
Live – lived
Live | See | Take |
Fly | Sit | Have |
Find | Come | Like |
Write what you did / didn’t do last year. Use these words.
9. Speak about how Benedict came to school.
Benedict went from the block of flats to the church.
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