Мій дядько


Lesson 8

Тема. Мій дядько – сильний


Навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою “Моя сім’я”; практикувати лексичні одиниці за темою “Моя сім’я”;

Розвивальна: розвивати компетенції читання й аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів;

Виховна: виховувати вміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі, виховувати шанобливе ставлення до сім’ї, родичів.


картки й фотографії учнів за темою “Сім’я”.

Хід уроку


1. Use the family photos. Say, “Show me a…” Pupils show the photos of their families.

2. Revise the vocabulary asking “Who’s this? Is this your sister?” Use the pupils’ family photos.


3. Listen and repeat (p. 18, ex. 1).

Introduce the new words. Use the book pictures and miming.

Do choral and individual repetition.


Teacher (points to picture 1 and asks). Is he kind?

Pupil. Yes, he is.

Teacher. Is he strong?

Pupil. No, he isn’t.

Then ask about different pictures on p. 18, ex. 1, helping pupils to use the short answers correctly.

Use flashcards too. Stick them on the board showing the pictures and ask Yes/ No questions.

To help the pupils, write examples of short answers on the board. Ask a question and point to the correct short answer to encourage the pupils to read it.

When the pupils are

quite confident in using short answers, point to an incorrect answer and see if they follow your lead or choose the right answer themselves.

Praise the pupils for the efforts and correct answers.


4. Listen and read (p. 18, ex. 2).

Read the poem. Pupils listen.

Read again, pausing after each sentence to let the pupils point at the pictures. Ask the pupils to read the poem. Do choral and individual repetition.

Read the poem in pairs.

5. Work in pairs (p. 18, ex. 3).

Ask the pupils to put their family photos on the desks.

Ask the pupils to read the questions and answer them using the patterns. If the pupils have difficulties, ask them to use the questions from ex. 6, p. 17.


6. Time for fun. Look and say (p. 19, ex. 4).

Explain how to make the Family Book in their native language. Pupils can use their family photos or draw pictures.

Read the text about a grandpa. Pupils listen and read to themselves.

Ask a pupil to make up his / her own story about his / her member of the family.

Tell the pupils to make the Family Book at home.

7. Listen and read (p. 19, ex. 5).

Red the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the sounds /as/and /е/.

Do choral and individual repetition.


8. Speak English (p. 16, ex. 6).

Work in pairs.

Ask the pupils to put their family photos on the desks.

Ask them to introduce their relatives to each other.


My Family Book.

Do ex. 6, p. 19.

Learn the new words.

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