Rainy Day
Lesson 10. 1 Rainy Day
1. What is there in your house?
There are two big beds in my house.
Door | Second floor |
Upstairs | Window |
Rain | Bed |
Downstairs | Wardrobe |
Room | Umbrella |
2. Compare things in your house with a book.
The windows in my house are bigger than a book.
Big | Long |
Small | Short |
Beautiful | Bright |
Colourful | Soft |
Good – better – the best
Bad – worse – the worst
3. Fill in the gaps with
A cold house is worse than a warm house.
1. A big house is… than a small one.
2. Clean windows are… than dirty ones.
3. A house with one room is… than a house with three rooms.
4. A warm big house is…
5. A house without a door is…
6. A colourful room is… than a white one.
7. A big house without windows is… than a small house with 3 windows.
4. Compare as many things as you can in one minute.
A rainy day is worse than a sunny week.
Rainy day | Cold house | Warm room |
Big book | Colourful picture | Sunny week |
5. Do you know these words?
Outside | Knock | Wrong |
Get dark | Dry | Hear |
Inside | Begin | Voice |
Get | Unlocked | Behind |
Get | |
Knock | |
Every day | Begin |
You | Hear |
Go | |
Look |
Got | |
Knocked | |
Yesterday | Began |
You | Heard |
Went | |
Looked |
6. Make up sentences with these words and the words from Task 5.
The house was dry.
House | Boy | Look |
Door | Rain | Go |
7. Listen to the story to compare your sentences in Task 6.
8. Listen and write the words from Task 5 in two groups Explain your choice.
About George | Not about George |
Outside | Began |
9. Who did George hear in the house? Write about it.
… heard a… behind… | … looked back and… |
It was… | … liked / didn’t like… because… |
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