Різні країни, різні смаки


    Повторити лексичний матеріал. Продовжувати формувати комунікативні вміння учнів. Тренувати в аудіюванні. Розвивати ерудицію учнів. Виховувати інтерес до традицій різних країн.

Обладнання: Підручник, дошка, картки для роботи.



1. Прив і тання.

Т: How are you today?

Ps: We are fine, thank you!

2. Пов і домлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: At this lesson we’ll continue to learn a new topic “Food and Drinks”; so today we are going to discuss food in different countries.

3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.


малює на дошці основу для гри “Хрестики-нулики”:










Учні поділяються на дві команди: “хрестиків” i “нуликів”. Кожна команда по черзi обирає число, а вчитель читає відповідне запитання. Якщо гравці відповідають на запитання, то вчитель замість цифри ставить значок команди, що дала відповідь: X або 0. Перемагаєкоманда, що має три хрестики або нулики поряд. Запитання:

1) What food gives us a lot of vitamins? (fruit and vegetables)

2) Finish the proverb: “An apple a day…” (keeps doctors away)


What food is rich in proteins? (eggs, meat products, fish)

4) If a person doesn’t eat well, we say: “He is…” (a poor eater)

5) What are beverages? (drinks)

6) What traditional British food can you name? (fish-and-chips, Yorkshire pudding)

7) What is a full English breakfast? (a large breakfast consisting of fruit juice, cereal, a cooked dish, toast with butter and jam, and tea or coffee)

8) What is a continental breakfast? (a light breakfast, typically consisting of coffee and bread rolls with butter and jam)

9) What food helps you grow? (meat, fish, milk)


1. Відпрацювання лексичного матеріалу.

1) Впр.1 с.107.

Заповнити пропуски в тексті.

2) Впр.2 с.107.

З’єднати дієслова з фразами.

2.Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Впр.6 с.106.

Учні читають вірні речення.

3. Аудіювання.

Учні прослуховують текст двічі з голосу вчителя та доповнюють речення, записані на дошці.

American Meals

Americans do not like to prepare meals at home. They prefer to eat at cafes or restaurants. Usually they have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. American breakfast as a rule consists of butter, jam, bread or a roll. Usually people also eat cereal with milk, some cheese, soft-boiled eggs and drink orange juice, tea or coffee. Most of Americans do not come back home to lunch, they have it at Fast Food Restaurants. The most common menu consists of apple-pie, hamburger, cheeseburger, sandwiches. There are a lot of “fast food” shops to buy something to cat quickly. They are situated on many street comers. These sell hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks like Coca-Cola. For dinner they have meat, fried or baked potatoes with ketchup, corn, peas and macaroni. In general many drinks are drunk with ice, even tea.


Usually they have.

The menu consists of_______________ .

The “fast food” shops_______________ .

These sell.

The main meal of.

For dinner they have______________ .

4. Розвиток мовлення.

Учні в групах обговорюють подані на картках твердження i роблять висновки стосовно правил здорового харчування

1) Lemons are a good source of vitamin C.

2) Eating meat and fish helps us grow.

3) You should eat 5 fruit or vegetable portions a day.

4) Milk contains calcium.

5) Some people can never get fat no matter what they eat.

6) Potatoes and rice give you energy.

7) If you clean your teeth, you can eat as many sweets as you like.

8) You need to drink more water on a hot day than on a cold day.

9) A balanced diet means you weigh your food.

10) Sugar gives you energy.

11) If you eat the right food, you don’t need to exercise.

12) If it tastes nice, it must be good for you.

13) Scurvy is a disease you get if you don’t eat vitamin С

14) Vinegar is a good source of vitamin C.

15) You should not eat any fat.

16) You can’t eat too much fruit.


Домашнє завдання.

Впр.3 с.107 доповнити текст поданими словами(письмово).

Підведення підсумків уроку.

· Lemons are a good source of vitamin C.

· Eating meat and fish helps us grow.

· You should eat 5 fruit or vegetable portions a day.

· Milk contains calcium.

· Some people can never get fat no matter what they eat.

· Potatoes and rice give you energy.

· If you clean your teeth, you can eat as many sweets as you like.

· You need to drink more water on a hot day than on a cold day.

· Sugar gives you energy.

· If you eat the right food, you don’t need to exercise.

· If it tastes nice, it must be good for you.

· Scurvy is a disease you get if you don’t eat vitamin С

· Vinegar is a good source of vitamin C.

· You should not eat any fat.

· You can’t eat too much fruit.

· Lemons are a good source of vitamin C.

· Eating meat and fish helps us grow.

· You should eat 5 fruit or vegetable portions a day.

· Milk contains calcium.

· Some people can never get fat no matter what they eat.

· Potatoes and rice give you energy.

· If you clean your teeth, you can eat as many sweets as you like.

· You need to drink more water on a hot day than on a cold day.

· Sugar gives you energy.

· If you eat the right food, you don’t need to exercise.

· If it tastes nice, it must be good for you.

· Scurvy is a disease you get if you don’t eat vitamin С

· Vinegar is a good source of vitamin C.

· You should not eat any fat.

· You can’t eat too much fruit.

· Lemons are a good source of vitamin C.

· Eating meat and fish helps us grow.

· You should eat 5 fruit or vegetable portions a day.

· Milk contains calcium.

· Some people can never get fat no matter what they eat.

· Potatoes and rice give you energy.

· If you clean your teeth, you can eat as many sweets as you like.

· You need to drink more water on a hot day than on a cold day.

· Sugar gives you energy.

· If you eat the right food, you don’t need to exercise.

· If it tastes nice, it must be good for you.

· Scurvy is a disease you get if you don’t eat vitamin С

· Vinegar is a good source of vitamin C.

· You should not eat any fat.

· You can’t eat too much fruit.

Ви зараз читаєте: Різні країни, різні смаки