Soup and salad every day


3.1. Soup and salad every day…

Grammar Smart

Ex.1, p.72

A) Wash the apples Cut the apples in half.

Blend the apples.

Add sugar into the blender Have apple juice

B) Don’t cut tomatoes in half.

Don’t have any porridge for dinner.

Eat chocolate for dessert

Don’t come to tea today

Slice a banana

Don’t bake a cake for Ann

Word Smart

Ex 2, p.74

I like to have my meals at home because my mum is a good cook.

We like to cook together/ my mum and I are good at making salads. I have a passion for fruit that’s why I love fruit salads. My mum keeps on saying that tastes differ. Fruit salads taste better with some cream and chocolate. As for my brother, he likes meat and potatoes. He says that he has a passion for chicken. As you see we all are different.

Time to Read

Ex.2, p 76

1. bitterly

2. sweet

3. tasty

4. wonderful

5. great

6. delicious

Time to communicate

When I am hungry in the morning, I don’t feel like eating meat. I have a passion for fruit so I prefer to have some oatmeal porridge with fruit. It tastes better with apples and bananas. Milk is out of question. I don’t like it. So I prefer a glass of orange juice. It tastes delicious.

Time to Write

P. 78

Dear Kate Brown.

You are cordially invited to our New Year party. It will be held on December, 31, at 8 pm at my place. Green Street, 45.

RSVP. Call back on this number:


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