Цілі: перевірити рівень умінь учнів з усного мовлення.


Choose any of the following topics and speak on it.

Sport in Britain

1. Have you ever taken part in sports competition?

2. What do you prefer: to watch sports competitions or to take part in them?

3. Does sport help you to keep fit?

4. How often do you go to the sports ground?

5. What sports are popular in your family?

6. Do you want to be a sportsman?

7. Are you good at running (swimming, skating…)?

8. What sports were invented in Britain?

9. Are all of them popular nowadays?

10. What sports have existed for some centuries?

11. Is hiking considered to be a sport?

12. Have you ever had a horse riding trip? Was it exciting?

13. What famous football (lawn tennis, boxing) championships do you know?


1. What do you usually do in your spare


2. Do you often go out?

3. Do you often take your friends out?

4. Where do you take them?

5. How often do you go to the theatre (cinema)?

6. Which do you prefer: to see a film over TV or on the screen in the cinema?

7. What film have you seen recently?

8. What new picture would you advise us to see? Where is it on?

9. What kinds of films do you like most of all?

10. Which do you prefer? American films, British film, films made in your country?

11. Do you usually discuss films with your friends then?

12. What is the best film you’ve seen this year?

Places of interest

1. What do you know about the history of London?

2. What are the main parts of London?

3. What places of interest are the most popular in London?

4. Why is London a cultural capital of Britain?

5. What is London famous for?

6. Which is the oldest museum in London?

7. Do you enjoy looking round cities?

8. What kind of places do you enjoy visiting?

9. What is the most interesting place that you have visited?


10. Which place would you most like to visit? Why?

11. What country would you like to visit? Why?

12. What attracts you there?

13. What attractions in Kyiv do you know?

Pair work. Role play A call to the reception in the clinic.

Student A – you’ve fallen ill. You have to go to the clinic at once.

Call the reception in the clinic. Say what happened and find out if your doctor is working and suitable time for you.

Students’ cards

Leg hurts

Dr. Brown

11 a. m.

Broken finger

Dr. Conrad

2 p. m.

A pain in the chest

Dr. Foster

9 a. m.

A heart complaint

Dr. Stanly

3.30 p. m.

Sprained ankle

Dr. Brown

10 a. m.

Injured the knee

Dr. Conrad

4 p. m.

Heart trouble

Dr. Foster

9 a. m.

A pain in the chest

Dr. Stanly

2 p. m.

Blood pressure

Dr. Green

9.30 a. m.

A cold

Dr. Wintry

1 p. m.

A toothache

Dr. Gibson

2.30 p. m.

A consultation

Dr. Baxter

11.30 a. m.

A terrible headache

Dr. Green

11 a. m.

A sore throat

Dr. Wintry

3 p. m.

Lost a filling

Dr. Gibson

4.30 p. m.

A problem with the right eye

Dr. Baxter

9 a. m.

A consultation

Dr. Chilby

1.30 p. m.

Need glasses

Dr. Chilby

4 p. m.

Need to fill the tooth

Dr. Chatter

10 a. m.

A consultation

Dr. Chatter

12 a. m.

Student В – you are a receptionist in the clinic.

Use your timetable to answer Student A’s questions. Find his/her name, age, address, a telephone number and a suitable time for him/her.





Dr. Brown


9 a. m. – 1 p. m.

Room 12

Dr. Conrad


1 p. m. – 5 p. m.

Room 14

Dr. Foster


9 a. m. – 1 p. m.

Room 19

Dr. Stanly


1 p. m. – 5 p. m.

Room 23

Dr. Green

General practitioner

9 a. m. – 1 p. m.

Room 28

Dr. Wintry

General practitioner

1 p. m. – 5 p. m.

Room 29

Dr. Chatter


9 a. m. – 1 p. m.

Room 6

Dr. Gibson


1 p. m. – 5 p. m.

Room 8

Dr. Baxter


9 a. m. – 1 p. m.

Room 31

Dr. Chilby


1 p. m. – 5 p. m.

Room 32

Suggested conversation:

– Hello? Is that the clinic reception?

– Yes, speaking.

– May I see Dr. Green today?

– Yes, sure. What’s the problem?

– I’ve got a terrible headache.

– What is your name? (How old are you? What is your address? What is your telephone number?) When would you like to come?

– At 11 a. m. if it is possible.

– Yes, certainly. The doctor is free at this time. (I’m afraid, you can’t. The doctor is to be busy with the other patient. Maybe, 11.30 or 12 a. m.? )

– (11.30 will be OK.) Where is he receiving patients today?

– Room 28. Second floor to the right.

– Hang on. I’m just writing it down. Room 28. Thank you.

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