These Hens and Those Bears
Lesson 2.2 These Hens and Those Bears
1. Look and match the words to the pictures.
One goose | One mouse | One sheep |
Three geese | Four mice | Two sheep |
2. Fill in the gaps.
Seals swim in the sea and eat fish.
A rabbit lives on a farm and has got a big family.
… eat cheese and live underground.
… eat corn and swim in a pond.
… eats grass and walks in the hills.
… says “honk-honk”.
… runs away from a cat.
… hop and have got long ears.
3. Point and say a word. Let your partner say a sentence.
4. Read the words. Do you know them?
Rail | Comes along | Pail |
Bring | Whom | Go away |
5. Fill in the gaps with 5 words from Task 4.
David and Caroline
Stand near the________________________ ,
When Bill_____________________
With a bright red________________________ .
What does he______________________
And for_________________ will it be?
Fish for seals, as we can see.
(After H. A. Rey)
Listen and check your answers.
6. Mime an animal. Let your partner tell a poem about it.
… will it be?
Cheese for mice, as I can see! – Yes, one point.
7. Find 10 words in this chain. Make up one sentence with them.
8. Spell any name of animal. Let your partner guess it and make a sentence with it.
9. Write two sentences about animals. Make puzzles like in Task 7.
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