У парку розваг

Lesson 5. У парку розваг


– навчальна, закріпити граматичний і лексичний матеріали за підтемою “Дозвілля”, практикувати мовні засоби за підтемою “Моє хобі”, формування навичок вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

– розвиваюча: уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам’яті – слухову,

зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

– виховна: виховувати уміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі.

Обладнання: картки за підтемою “Розпорядок дня”, “Дозвілля”, “Моє хобі”, плакат “Present Continuous”.

Хід уроку


1. Game “Jump”

Ask children to stand at their desks.

Hold up a flashcard from the vocabulary set and say a word.

If the word is the same as the flashcard, they jump. If it isn’t, they keep still.


Game “Magic eyes”

Stick a set of no more than six flashcards in a row on the blackboard. Say the names and get the children to repeat them two or three times. Then remove the flashcards one by one. Point to where they were and children repeat the names as if they

were still there.


2. Listen and repeat (p. 49, ex. 1).

Ask pupils to look at the pictures.

Say the words. Drill each new word two or three times. Ask pupils to write these words down into their vocabularies.

Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to read the words after you again.

Monitor the activity and help where necessary. Use board sketches, miming and gestures to make sure the pupils understand the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take turns to read the words out loud. Help with pronunciation. If you like, make sentences with these words.

Transfer: Ask further questions “Do you like taking photos? What colour are ghosts and dinosaurs?”

Optional activity

Game “Find the card”

Play with the whole class. Ask two children to wait outside the classroom door for a moment. While they are outside the door, stick one of the vocabulary cards somewhere in the classroom, where it is ‘hidden’ but nevertheless visible without moving anything. Involve the rest of the class in helping you to do this. Ask the two children back into the classroom and everyone asks e. g. Where’s the dinosaur? The two children look for the vocabulary card of the dinosaur and the rest of the class helps by saying Hot!

Hot! Hot! if the children move near to where the card is hidden and Cold! Cold Cold! if they move away. When they find the card, the two children say e. g. Here’s the dinosaur! and everyone claps and says Hurray! Repeat several times with different children.


3. Listen and say (p. 50, ex. 2).

Ask pupils to look at the pictures.

Ask if pupils like going to parks? Do they go alone or with adults? What do they usually do there?

Read the dialogue while pupils listen and read silently.

Explain any words that pupils ask for.

Read the dialogue again. Pupils listen and repeat.

When pupils are familiar with the text, ask pairs of pupils to act out the dialogue.

Pay the pupils’ attention to the Section ‘Remember’.

Read out the sentences one by one. Pupils listen, read and repeat after you. Ask individual pupils to read out the sentences. Stick some pictures where somebody is doing these actions.

All pupils then point to the character(s) in the pictures who is doing that action.

Check that pupils have understood the meanings of the sentences. Then write the model sentences up on the board in two columns, singulars with ‘is verb+-ing’ and plurals with ‘are verb+-ing’. Use the two sets of sentences to show the construction of the Present Continuous.

Reading and Writing

4. Look and say (p. 51, ex. 3).

Ask questions about the activities of the children in the pictures. “Who is playing chess? Who is dancing? What is the girl looking at?” etc.

Pupils describe the actions on the pictures.

Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times.

Pupils may also be asked to write the sentences in their copybooks.

Monitor the activity and help where necessary.

5. Listen and sing the song (p. 51, ex. 4).

Tell pupils to look at the picture. Ask what they see. Pupils give different descriptions about the picture and about a person on it.

Tell pupils that they are going to learn the song.

Read the words of the song, pausing after each line. Pupils repeat the lines chorally and individually pointing to the time and mime the actions.

Sing the song chorally.

Mime the actions while singing the lines of the song again.

Ending the Lesson

Game “Picture flashcards”

Hold up action flashcards and ask several questions about each one, e. g., “Can you swim/dance/fly?” Pupils reply, “Yes, I can./No, I can’t.” Then ask “What are you doing now?” Revise the action words using the flashcards or photos if you have any. Repeat chorally and individually.


Read p. 51, ex. 4.

Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.

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