II семестр
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення й читання; формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць і навички вимови; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів.
1. Warm-up
1) What is the best city in our country? Why?
2) What are the most interesting tourist sights for visitors in our city (monuments, museums, temples)?
3) What are the most popular vacation places for people in our country? Why?
2. Speaking
Work in pairs.
Make up a dialogue using these prompts. Student A meets Student B on a train.
Student A
1) Where do you come
2) Where is that exactly?
3) What’s it like?
4) Do you like living there?
Student B
You come from the south of Ukraine. Answer Student’s A questions. Then return the questions.
3. Reading
Before reading
Answer the questions.
1) Where is Ukraine situated?
2) What is the capital of Ukraine?
3) What are the biggest cities?
4) What interesting places in Ukraine do you know?
5) Which words do you usually associate with Ukraine?
Read the text (p. 112).
Find the following words in the text and practise them chorally and individually, then match them with their Ukrainian equivalents and practice the new vocabulary.
1) | An independent state | A) | Стиль |
2) | An undiscovered treasure | B) | Курорт |
3) | Culture | C) | Почуття |
4) | A he> | D) | Турист |
5) | Remarkable | E) | Незалежна держава |
6) | A tourist | F) | Культура |
7) | A pancake | G) | Чудовий, дивний |
8) | A style | H) | Нерозкритий скарб |
9) | A sense of humour | I) | Млинець |
Fill in the gaps.
Culture style He> | An independent state remarkable Tourists sense of humour |
1) Many ___ visit our country every year.
2) She’s got a really good ___.
3) Our country is ____.
4) We should be proud of our Ukrainian ____.
5) There are a lot of ____ on the southern coast of Ukraine.
6) You look like a film star. I like your ____.
7) Ukraine is ___ for its nature.
4. Writing
Do Ex. 2, p. 113.
5. Speaking
Introduce your country using the questions in Ex. 3, p. 113.
In pairs, using these questions make up your own dialogues.
6. Summary
1) What remarkable places in Ukraine (in your region) can you name?
2) What Ukrainian national dishes do you know?
3) Can you make any of them?
4) What attracts people from all over the world in our country?
5) What resorts in Ukraine do you know? Where are they?
6) Where would you like to spend your holidays?
7. Homework
Make up a leaflet for visitors to your region.