Welcome to wales
4.3. Welcome to wales
Grammar Smart
P. 115
A) 1. Were the newspapers delivers every morning?
2. Were your computer fixed last Tuesday?
3. Was the letter posted yesterday?
4. Are three foreign languages learnt at school?
5. Are books returned every two weeks?
6. Was the flat redecorated by Susan?
7. Was the book translated into twelve foreign languages?
8. Is ice cream made from milk?
B) 1. What was much spoken about?
2. When was your dress finished?
3. What was sent to your dad?
4. Why was Nelly laughed at?
5. When was the book lost?
6. What were you offered?
Word Smart
P. 116, (b)
To conquer – to beat
To quarrel – to argue
To complain – to grumble
To rebel – to protest
To wrong – to harm
To control – to rule
Time to read
Ex.3, p.118
Possibility that something will happen – prospect
To make a special effort – to keep back
To argue – to quarrel
Envious – jealous
A robber – a thief
Far away – distant
A member of the extended family – a chieftain
Doing – keeping
Anxious – wondering
Time to communicate
Використовується текст на стор.116-117
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