Цілі: формувати лексичні навички й навички вимови; вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.



1) Are young people generally more selfish than their parents and grandparents?

2) Does age make you more aware of and caring for others?

3) Should adults try to teach young people lessons, such as the dangers of drinking too much, taking drugs or catch the AIDS virus, or should they leave them alone to find out about these things themselves?

2. Speaking

Do ex. 1, p. 199.

3. Writing

Write down your ideas if it is easy to be a teenager.

You are teenager


is time

Of conflicting feelings and desires

Of important public exams

Of hard (demanding) school work

Of starting a serious relationship when relations can be unstable

When you experiment with your image

Of conflicts at school

Of feeling of pressure

Of misunderstanding between you and parents

4. Reading

Do ex. 2, p. 199.

5. Listening

Listen to a piece of information from youthforsociety. org about one of their projects and answer the questions.

1) What is the aim of the project?

2) Where does the project take place?

3) How many countries take part in the project?

January-June 2012 Ergli, Latvia

YfS with 6 other partners from CoE countries is organizing an information campaign focused on environmental education for children and youth. The campaign consists of diverse eco activities in international context encouraging children and youth to take care of European nature, their living environment. The campaign takes place at primary and secondary schools

as children do not have there any environmental education and is run by young volunteers from NGOs that focus on environmental issues.

YfS partner is Ergli Secondary School where activities with youngsters are implemented.

The campaign will aim to activate young people in their local communities and show them the purpose of active citizenship. As all partner organisations are youth and deal with environmental protection and environmental education, the campaign will aim to encourage young people to be active in the field of environmental education for young people and children. 14 young people from 7 organisations from 7 countries (Czech Republic, Greece, Armenia, Romania, Latvia, Georgia, Russian Federation) will prepare the campaign and spread the international experience in the field of environmental education.

From YfS representatives are – Monta Grinberga (legal and administrative) and Kaiva Leiboma (actvities, facilitation and reports) with the support of geography teacher from Ergli Secondary School.

We specifically aim:

– to promote environmental human rights among children and young people

– to make youth understand human impact on nature

– raising awareness of sustainable lifestyle in Europe

– to share experience and knowledge about environmental education on the international level

– to provide workshops on environmental issues to primary and secondary school students

– to promote environmental awareness among youth, give sufficient information about nature, learn and respect it

Up-dates and more information from the ECO campaign you can read here. Project is supported by the Council of Europe programme European Youth Foundation and promoted by the organization Youth and Environment Europe.

6. Reading

Read some information about Youth projects and answer the questions. Where is this organisation located? What is the main goal of it?


In the early 1980s, the north-western suburbs of Melbourne had a predominantly Mediterranean and Eastern European migrant population. They were attracted to the area by its cheap housing and a strong mixed manufacturing sector.

Community activists became increasingly concerned about youth unemployment. Many manufacturers were closing their doors or moving out of the area and unemployment support systems were changing from City – based to more regionalised services. Growing numbers of unemployed young people were hanging around with nothing to do.

In 1981, the Broadmeadows City Council offered assistance to establish a drop-in centre where young people would feel welcome and comfortable to talk about any problems or issues they had.

A new committee of management was elected at a public meeting at the end of 1984, and in a bid to gain greater community support, the name was changed to ‘Broadmeadows Youth Projects’.

After incorporation was granted on 7 February 1985, the agency became known as Youth Projects Inc.

Not long after incorporation, tragedy struck when a fire all but destroyed the building.

With damage estimated at $400,000 and insurance not enough to fully rebuild and refurbish the centre, all programs were suspended. Premier John Cain launched a public appeal for funds, and with additional support from the centre’s original financial backers, the Youth Projects centre was slowly rebuilt and re-opened by Prince Charles and Princess Diana, who were visiting Australia at the time.

7. Summary

How would you describe an average member of today’s youth?

8. Homework

Make up some questions to your pen-friend from the other country about his life.

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