American pastime
5.3. American pastime
Grammar Smart
Ex.2, p.148-149
1. What team was Michael Jordan invited to play for?
2. How was the sportsman named?
3. How many seasons were played by Michael Jordan for Chicago bulls?
4. How many championships were won in basketball?
5. How many awards was he given?
6. What did Michael Jordan set up?
Ex.3, p.149
New sport equipment has been bought. New sports clubs have been opened.
A new football pitch has been made.
A good swimming pool has been built.
New records have been set.
New champions have been greeted.
Word Smart
Ex.1, p.149-150
1. popular, exciting, teams, player, TV, radio, pastime.
2. indoors, invented, baskets, teams, hoop, jumps, ball, cheer up, interest.
Time to read
1. It’s about players who were waiting for Johnny.
2. It’s about the coach who was worried.
3. It was about basketball players who were waiting for Johnny.
4. Because Johnny was the best player of the hockey team.
5. Because there was such a wonderful player in the team.
6. Because the team won the match.
Time to communicate
Ex.1, p.152-153
We won the match today. I am so happy. I could be late and it would be terrible. But I had come by the time the last quarter began.
I was given two thousand to take the train out of the town. But my brother was in hospital and he needed money to pay the hospital bills. I decided to help him. So I got off the train when it slowed down at Crockett and ran back. It took time but I knew that I would be in time for the last quarter. And I can send the money to my brother.
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