Lessons 3
Unit 4 Appearance
Lessons 3
1. a) Listen and read.
Example: I have got ten fingers and toes.
I have got two eyes, two ears, two arms,
2. Look at the pictures on page 61 and say.
Example: This is a robot. It has got a funny face. It has got a big nose. It has got two eyes and two ears. It has got two arms and two legs.
3. Ask and answer.
How many heads has a toy dragon* got? – It has got three heads.
1. How many hands has a doll got? – It has got
2. How many ears has a robot got? – … .
3. How many… ? – … .
4. Listen, sing and point.
Head and shoulders, Arms and fingers,
Knees and toes, Legs and feet,
Knees and toes. Legs and feet.
Head and shoulders, Arms and fingers,
Knees and toes, Legs and feet,
Knees and toes. Legs and feet.
And eyes, and ears, And hair, and hands,
And mouth, and nose. And face, and teeth.
Head and shoulders, Arms and fingers,
Knees and toes, Legs and feet,
Knees and toes. Legs and feet.
5. Complete and write.
This is my toy dragon. It has got… heads and… faces. It has got… big mouths and… teeth. It has got… eyes and ears. It has got… legs.
* A toy dragon – іграшковий дракон.
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