Lesson 1

Ex. 4, p. 89

1. F; 2. T; 3. F; 4. T; 5. T; 6. F.

Ex. 5, p. 89

I have got a flat. There is a bedroom, a livin-groom, a kitchen and a bathroom in it.

This room is our living-room. The sofa is near the window.

The desk is next to the sofa. The TV is in front of the table.

Our living-room is clean.

Lesson 3



Present Simple


There is a book on the table. There are books on the table. На столі книга (книги).


Is there a book on the table? Are there books on the table? Чи є книга (книги) на столі?


There is no book on the table. There

are no books on the table. На столі немає книги (книг). There isn’t a book on the table. There aren’t any books on the table.

Eх. 5, p. 93

I have got a flat. There is a Dedroom, a living-room, a kitchen and a bathroom in it. This room is our living-room. The sofa is near the window. The desk is next to the sofa. The TV is in front of the table. Our living-room is clean.

Lesson 4

Eх. 5, p. 95

This room is our living-room. The sofa is near the window. The desk is next to the sofa. The TV is in front of the table. Our living-room is clean. I like it.

Lesson 5

Ex. 5, p. 97

Dear John,

How are you?

My name is Oksana. I am nine

I live in Ukraine. Ukraine is a big country. We speak Ukrainian. I live in a big city Kharkiv.

I have got a flat. There is a bedroom, a living-room, a kitchen and a bathroom in it.

Please, tell me about you.



Lesson 6

Ex. 2, p. 98

1. Clean; 2. Waters; 3. Lays. 4. Wash; 5. Walks.

Ex. 3, p. 99

1. Reads:

2. Play; 3. Draw.

Ex. 4, p. 99

1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4, D.

Lesson 7


Присвійний відмінок іменників (The Possessive Case)

Присвійний відмінок однини утворюється додаванням до іменника апострофа і закінчення – s: Jack’s pen. The boy’s bicycle.

Присвійний відмінок множини утворюється додаванням до іменника апострофа: The boy’s bicycle. – The boys’ bicycles. Якщо іменник утворює множину не за правилами, то приcвійний відмінок утворюється додаванням до іменника апострофа і закінчення – s: The man’s bag. – The men’s bags.

Ex. 1, p. 100

1. She; 2. Her; 3. He; 4. They; 5. Its; 6. His; 7. They.

Ex. 2, p. 101

1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. T.

Ex. 3, p. 101

1. A; 2. В; 3. C.

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