Meet cinema and theatre celebrity
6.3. Meet cinema and theatre celebrity
Grammar Smart
Ex.2, p.178
1. Let’s buy the tickets beforehand.
2. I was made drink milk when I was a child.
3. Our teachers let us use vocabularies at the English lessons.
4. My Dad made me go to bed at 9.30 pm.
5. My brother and I are allowed to stay up late on Saturday.
6. Our younger sister isn’t allowed to watch horror films.
Word Smart
Kate Winslet is an English actress.
She was born October, 5, 1975.
She made her debut in Heavenly Creatures (1994). She got a good image after getting a supporting role in Sense and Sensibility. But she had got worldwide fame after starring in Titanic.
Зразок виконання домашнього завдання.
William Bradley or Brad Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and producer. He has received a Golden Globe Award, a Screen Actors Guild
Three Academy Awards nominations in acting category.
He was starring in one of my favourite films – Troy. It is an epic historical film. With great special effects and brilliant acting.
I enjoy Brad Pitt’s acting. It was really great. I couldn’t take my eyes out off the screen. I should say i was really impressed with the plot, the acting and the effects.
Time to read
Ex.2, p.181
1. width
2. length
3. warmth
4. strength
5. depth
Ex.3, p.181
1. Because the play went well from the beginning to end.
2. Julia received my curtain calls.
3. The orchestra played the National Anthem.
4. Julia played with brilliance.
5. Julia’s husband Mike complemented her.
6. He was an actor too.
Time to communicate
P. 182 (b)
My name is Julia. I am a mature actress. Today I took part in a new play. I tried to act with great brilliance, variety and spirit. I was astonished by the warmth of the reception. I could held the attention of the audience. And the climax was thrilling, almost spectacular.
I received two curtain calls and a lot of flowers.
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