New Willie
Lesson 9. 4 New Willie
1. Say what you always, often and never did last year in school
Bump | Fall down | Play football |
Push | Say “sorry” | Lose a game |
Listen | Cry | Drop a bun |
2. Think of what Willie did; keep it a secret. Let your partner guess it.
– Willie usually did it.
– Willie usually pushed people.
– No.
– Willie usually played football.
– Yes!
3. Listen to the facts about the story and agree or disagree.
– Students at Willie’s school were not polite.
– I disagree, the students were polite at Willie’s school.
4. Say as many
Say | Bump | Like |
Drop | Push | Take |
Lose | Shout | Dislike |
5. Do you know these words?
Marker | Know | Funny face |
Principal | Wrono | Wall |
6. Look at the pictures and describe them with the words from Task 5.
Say which picture is about the next part of the story.
7. Read and fill in the gaps.
When Willie took a… to draw a funny… on the wall, the principal took the marker away and said, “I’m sorry. Don’t draw with a marker on the…, please.”
And Willie just looked at the principal and didn’t… what to say. The… said, “When you do something…,
Now Willie is very polite, he says “sorry”, and people around him say “never mind”.
(After Louis Slobodkin)
8. Say who did it.
… took a marker… | … said “Please, …” |
… wanted to draw… | … “OK” … |
… took a marker away… | … is polite… |
… didn’t know what… | … say “never mind” … |
9. Write 7 sentences about something you never, usually, often, always did in school last year.
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