Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення; розви­вати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати відповідальне ставлення до вибору майбутньої професії, а також загальну культуру учнів.


1. Warm-up

Name three occupations that you could do. (For example, be a morti­cian).

Name three occupations that you could never do?

2. speaking

Do ex. 1, p. 26.

3. Writing

> Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous?

Fill in the gaps.

1) ‘___ you ever (work) in a factory?’ – ‘No, never’.


How long __ you (teach) English?

3) We shouldn’t go out because it ____ (rain) all day.

4) How long __ you (have) driving lessons?

5) Mary ___ (write) ten letters today. where are they?

6) We ___ (not/be) to the cinema for ages.

4. Reading

Translate the following sentences. Try to guess the meaning of the words from ‘Word file’ (p. 26).

1) The airline is legally responsible for the safety of its passengers.

2) She applied for a job with the local newspaper.

3) They offered him a very good job, but he turned it down.

4) She’s a very competent, well-paid housekeeper.

5) There are still two vacancies on the school board.

6) I’m not satisfied with the work conditions.

7) Jerry graduated from high school last year.

5. Reading and speaking

Read the following descriptions of a profession, a professional and pro­fessionalism and discuss the following question:

1) What skills and qualities should a person have to become a real profes­sional?

2) What responsibilities can refer

to one or another profession?

3) What is the definition of a profession?

A profession is “a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science”.

A professional is one who follows “an occupation as a means of liveli­hood or gain,” or one who is “engaged in one of the learned professions”.

Professionalism is exhibited by one of the “professional character, spirit or methods” or the “standing, practice, or methods of a professional as distinguished from an amateur”.

American College Dictionary

Some prompts:



Professionals are considered experts.

Professionals have a high degree of generalized and syste­matic knowledge with a theoretical base.

The primary orientation of professionals is to their public and/or community interest.

Professionals have a high degree of self-control of their be­havior and are governed by a code of ethics (a statement of values).The professional’s system of rewards is primarily a set of symbols of work achievement.

There is a system of testing the competence of members


Mastery of Theoretical Knowledge Capacity to Solve Problems

Application of Theoretical Knowledge to Practice Ability to Create Knowledge as Well as Possess It Enthusiasm and Commitment to Clients Commitment to Continuous Learning About the Profession


Professional responsibility generally refers to a duty an em­ployee owes to his employer and his clients.

Professional responsibility specifically refers to a code of ethics or oath of office required in certain professions. Professional responsibility changes from profession to pro­fession

6. Writing

Do ex. 2, p. 26.

7. Listening

Do ex. 4, 5, p. 26.

8. Speaking

Do ex. 6, p. 26.

9. Summary

If you had to choose between a satisfying job and a well-paid one, which would you choose?

10. Homework

Write a short paragraph on the following idea: If money weren’t a prob­lem for you, which job would you prefer to have?