Reserved Lesson. Grammar Recapitulation
І семестр
Тема. Reserved Lesson. Grammar Recapitulation
Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення, вживання ЛO у граматичних структурах; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення, вміння робити висновки, узагальнення.
I. Організація класу. Привітання
II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення
Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.
III. Основна частина уроку
A) Ex. 1, р. 58 – Ask questions to get more information.
– My friend goes to a comprehensive school in London.
– I want to get the highest marks in my
– Our school life is very interesting.
B) Ех. 2, р. 58 – Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form and voice.
C) Ex. 3, p. 58 – Write the sentences using if or unless.
– If I have time I go to the cinema.
– She can’t play computer games unless she finishes her homework.
– Bill will make mistakes unless he learns the grammar rules.
– We can’t have a rest unless the school holidays start.
– If Steve doesn’t improve his test results, he can’t join the swimming club.
– They can’t surf the Internet if they don’t buy a modem.
D) Ex. 5, p. 59 – Read and act out the situations.
– Ask your friend questions about his school. Ask about the type of school he goes to and the school rules.
– Talk about school subjects you are good at (fond of). What motivates you to study them and to get the highest marks: your own wish to get good knowledge, your parents or teachers’ encouragement or cash prizes.
E) Self-Assessment
Think of your records. Tick how well you know it.
4 = very well, 3 = OK, 2 = a little, 1 = needs to improve
F) The rhyme “Books”
Books are full of boys and girls,
That I would like to know.
Books are full of happenings
To folks of long ago.
Books are full of animals,
That I would like to pet.
Books are full of weather, too,
Both sunny days and wet.
Books are full of other things
That I would like to see.
IV. Завершальна частина уроку
Домашнє завдання
То learn the rhyme and say what books can tell you about.
Підсумки уроку
Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.
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