Safe Diving
Lesson 12.2 Safe Diving
1. Do you know these words? Match the pictures to some of them.
Diving platform | Hit | Check |
Log | Dive | Hear |
2. Answer the questions.
What can you do by the sea?
What should you do before swimming in the sea? What mustn’t you do by the sea?
Every day | Yesterday | |
Hit | Hit | Didn’t hit |
Dive | Dived | Didn’t dive |
Cry | Cried | Didn’t cry |
Get out | Got out | Didn’t |
3. Fill in the gaps with these words.
Dive | Diving platform | Log |
Heard | Hit | Checked |
1. Papa Bear got onto the… to jump from it.
2. Baby Bear saw a… under the water.
3. Papa Bear… the water before diving into it.
4. The Baby Bear didn’t… his head against the log.
5. Papa Bear… Baby Bear telling him about the log in the water.
6. Papa Bear and Baby Bear wanted to… from the diving plat form.
4. Read the story and say which sentences are true in Task 3.
“Papa, can we dive?” Baby Bear asked when he saw a diving platform.
‘Yes, we can dive, but you must check if it is safe,” Papa Bear said. He climbed the diving platform and jumped into the water. He didn’t hear Baby Bear who cried about the log under the water. Papa Bear hit his head against the log under the water and Baby Bear helped him to
“You see, you must check the water before diving into it,” said Papa Bear.
(After Stan and Jan Berenstain)
5. Listen to the questions and answer.
6. Make up and ask questions. Let your partner answer them
Swim | Dive | Go |
Hear | Say | Read |
7. Look at the picture and make up questions with these words:
What where how many when
Ask your partner the questions.
8. Imagine that you are Mama Bear. Write 6 questions that she can ask Baby Bear.
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