Семестрове оцінювання з аудіювання
Мета: контроль сформованості навичок аудіювання.
Т. Today is semester test on listening.
Перевірка сформованості навичок аудіювання
Етап підготовки до аудіювання. Бесіда за малюнками на дошці
What kinds of sport can you see on the pictures? Do you go in for these kinds of sport?
New words
? a sport-lover – шанувальник спорту
? to imagine – уявляти
? to attract attention – привертати увагу
? a crowd – натовп
? beloved – улюблений
? to support – підтримувати
Етап аудіювання
– Listen to the
Text “Sports in Great Britain”
The British are great sport-lovers. They like playing or watching sports and talking about them. One of the most popular British game is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges and universities all over the country. They can’t imagine summer without cricket. Another game which attracts the greatest attention is football. Every Saturday from August till May, large crowds of people support their favourite teams in football grounds.
Rugby football is very popular, too, but it is not a professional game.
The next beloved sport in British life is horse racing. The Derby is the most famous sporting event in the whole world.
A great number of people play and watch tennis. The British also like to play golf, baseball, grass-hockey. Running, jumping, swimming are popular as well in Great Britain.
Перевірка розуміння почутого
І. Answer the questions.
What are popular kinds of sport in Great Britain? Who plays cricket in Britain? When do people play football? What is Derby? True or False British like playing or watching sports and talking about them. One of the most popular British game is swimming. Rugby football is a professional game. A great number of people play and watch tennis. The British don’t like to play golf, baseball, grass-hockey.