Shopping for Food

Unit Five: Are you Good at Shopping?

5.2. Shopping for Food

Word Bank

Phrase Bank

Communication Box


Green grocer’s






To tempt

To stand in a line

To be dispayed on the counters (stands)

To pay at the cashdesk

To be low (high)-priced

To get lost market place

It is common…

I. Conversation Warm-up

Look anti say what products your mother usually asks you to buy at the supermarket.

Shopping for Food

Example: My mum usually asks me to buy some milk.

II. Pronunciation Warm-up

Read and practise the sounds /Λ/,/i:/. Say if food shopping is fun for you.



– What have you bought at the supermarket?

– I’ve bought tea at the grocer’s and meat at the butcher’s.

I’ve bought buns at the baker’s and grapes at the greengrocer’s.

I’m waiting for my mom. Food shopping is fun.

III. Grammar Smart

1. Look and Recall!

Use can/could/will/would to ask someone to do something for you.

Examples: Can/will you buy a chocolate for me?

Can you give me a sweet?

Will you buy biscuits for me?

Could you…?

A) Ask your friend questions for the following answers (p. 133). Play a grammar chain game.

Example: – Could you go shopping with me, please?

– Yes, certainly.

1. Yes, I’d be glad to.

2. Of course, I will.

3. I’m sorry, but I can’t.

4. With pleasure.

5. Willingly.

6. Sure I will do that.

2. Look and remember!

1) Use Would you like….?/Shall I… to make an offer.

Example: Would you like to shop with me?

Shall I carry your shopping


2) Use a hundred and forty five (145), a thousand (1000) if you want to speak about prices.

– How much do all these products cost?

– A hundred and fifty five hryvnias.


Hundred, thousand and million have no – s after a number.

Example: The shop is six hundred miles away from here.

A) Play a grammar tennis game.

Example: A: 217

B: two hundred and seventeen

B) Look at the pictures and say what offers the children are making.

Example: Would you like an apple?

Shopping for Food

IV. Word Smart

1. a) Read the words and say what you can buy at different departments.

Example: At the grocer’s we can buy sugar, s>

At the greengrocer’s

– a bunch of bananas/grapes;

– a head of cabbage.

At the dairy

– a carton of milk/sour cream;

– a container of yoghurt/cottage cheese.

At the baker’s

– a loaf of bread;

– a long loaf/rolls/buns.

At the confectionery

– a bag of cookies;

– a box of sweets;

– a bar of chocolate.

At the butcher’s

– a kilo of meat/poultry;

– a can of meat.

At the grocer’s

– a package of sugar/tea/s>

– a kilo of macaroni/rice/buckwheat;

– a bag of flour.

B) Look at the picture and say what the people are doing at the supermarket.

Example: The boy is reading a price tag.

Shopping for Food

2. Describe the product you like most and let your friend guess. Cover such questions:

1. How does it taste?

2. When can we eat it?

Example: It is sour. We have it with tea for dessert. We can buy it at the greengrocer’s, (lemon)

3. Work in groups and make a list of products to buy if you want to cook:

1. Ukrainian borsch;

2. Meat salad;

3. Cabbage rolls;

4. Apple pie.

Say what departments you must go to.

At home: Make a shopping list for your mum’s next trip to the supermarket. Use the format below.

Shopping for Food

Go to Ex. 73, 74 of your Workbook

V. Time to Listen and Read!

1. Listen to / read about shopping in Canada and say where Canadians do the shopping and why.


People love to shop. There are two kinds of shopping in the Canadian lifestyle: food shopping and non-food shopping. Canadians prefer nonfood shopping to food shopping but have to do both.

Most Canadians shop for food twice a month. These are large shopping trips. It is common to buy a lot of products at a time: packages of sugar, rice, cans of meat or fish, bags of cookies, boxes of sweets and the like. They want to buy milk, butter, bread, fruits and vegetables fresh. Canadians visit the grocer’s, the greengrocer’s, the dairy, the baker’s once a week.

Children like to shop at the confectionery. They usually buy maple syrup which they like to eat with pancakes or bread. Sometimes they buy a butter tart or chocolates if they have enough pocket money.

Don’t get lost at the supermarket. Take a shopping cart, look around and read the names of the departments. Then choose the products, put them into the shopping cart and go to the cash-desk. Show your buys to the cashier and pay for them.

For some Canadians many products are high priced that’s why they do the shopping at the market place. They believe the quality of products is higher there and the prices are lower. Besides, you shouldn’t stand in a line. There is a special market day in every town and village. The products are displayed on the market stands and you can choose whatever you like. Fruit vendors would you come up to everyone saying: “Would you like the freshest apples in Canada? Shall I offer you the sweetest pears?” It’s enough to tempt you, isn’t it?

Across Culture: Canada

Shopping for Food

Maple Syrup /’meipl ‘sairsp/ – кленовий сироп, популярний у Канаді.

Shopping for Food

Butter tart – особливий вид тістечка канадського походження.

Shopping for Food

A fruit vendor – продавець, який торгує фруктами з візка або з корзини.

Shopping for Food

A market stand – торговельний прилавок.

Shopping for Food

Shopping for Food

2. Look and say at what department you can buy these products.

Example: We can buy sugar at the grocer’s.

3. Say how the following phrases can describe food shopping in Canada.

Example: Many Canadians shop for food twice a month.

Shopping for Food

VII. Time to Communicate

1. Act as a Canadian and describe your shopping style. Use:

Shopping for Food

To be displayed on the counters (desks);

To pay at the cashdesk;

To be high-priced;

To stand in a line;

To get lost;

To tempt

2. In pairs, talk about the way you do the food shopping. Use the pattern.


A: Hey, … , how often… ?

B: As for me… .

A: Is it common… ? What department… ?

B: Sometimes… at the baker’s and… at the diary. And what about you?

A: As a rule, …. The products are… and….

B: Do you like… ?

A: Not at all, but… .

B: … on a Market Day. All the products… and….

A: To each his own.

3. Describe your supermarket and how you do the shopping there.

VIII. Time to Write.

Compare food shopping in Ukraine and in Canada. Use the Venn Diagramm.

Shopping for Food

Go to Ex. 75, 76 of your Workbook

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