Таке a Test!
Lesson 10. 5 Таке a Test!
1. Look at the picture and say what is wrong.
There is a sink in the bedroom. I think it is wrong, because the sink is in the kitchen.
2. Make up words out of these letters.
Taeusrre | Gosht | Irraiby |
Morirr | Coclk | Ulrblema |
Hsuoe | Kctiehn | Worradbe |
3. Spell a word. Let your partner guess it and say a true sentence about the story.
4. Put these words in the right order. Answer the questions.
Why did Fred live in the old house?
5. Choose: Fred or George.
Say as many sentences about him as you can. Use these words.
Get lost | Guess | Find |
Come in | Take | Open |
Go | See | Look for |
Knock | Guard | Count |
6. Listen and correct mistakes in the sentences you hear.
7. Choose any picture of the house and compare your house/ flat with it.
My house / flat is better / bigger / smaller / more colourful than Fred’s house.
My room… | There is… |
The kitchen… | There are… |
I don’t have… | There isn’t… |
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