Урок домашнього читання. Казка Ш. Перро “Попелюшка”
Мета: поглибити знання творчості письменника-казкаря Ш. Перро, зокрема казки “Попелюшка”; навчати учнів працювати в команді; розвивати увагу; виявляти міжпредметний і міжлітературний зв’язки.
Обладнання: підручник, ілюстрації до казки Ш. Перро “Попелюшка”, матеріали до завдань.
Т. Good morning, boys and girls!
Good morning, good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning, our teacher,
We are glad to see you!
P1. I am on duty today.
Т. What date is it today?
P1. Today is the… of…
Т. Who is away?
P1. All are present today.
Перевірка домашнього завдання
Впр. 10, 11, с. 39.
Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
Т. Now it’s time to do some exercises.
І. Answer the questions:
1. Do you like to read tales?
2. Did you read “Cinderella”?
3. Do you like Cinderella? Why?
4. What’s the title of the tale in Ukrainian?
ІІ. Match the words from the two columns to make up expressions:
Beautiful film | Enter |
Stepmother | Horrible |
Head | Terrible |
Girl | Big |
The room |
ІІІ. What do you think about the tale?
1. Did you like the tale?
2. Do you like the cartoon “Cinderella”?
3. Why do you like this tale?
4. What is the second part of the tale
5. Where did Cinderella’s stepmother and her daughters want to go?
6. Do people go to balls now?
7. Do you often go to parties (discos)?
8. Do you like them? Why?
9. What clothes do we usually wear when we go to a party?
10. What clothes did Cinderella’s stepmother and her daughters wear?
Введення нової лексики
С. 41-42.
Читання казки
Впр. 1, с. 41-42.
Робота в групах
Впр. 2, 3, с. 42.
І. Compare the characters:
1. Who is the kindest character of the tale (the worst character, the most beautiful)?
2. What character do you like / dislike? (Cinderella, her stepmother, her stepsisters, …) Why?
ІІ. Prove that:
1. Cinderella wanted to go to the ball.
2. Stepmother and her daughters didn’t want to go to the ball with Cinderella.
3. Stepmother and stepsisters were cruel (bad) people.
4. Stepmother and her daughters wanted to have new clothes for the ball.
Домашнє завдання
Впр. 4, 5, с. 43.