Відомі художники Англії. Дієприкметник: форми та особливості вживання


    Розширити кругозір учнів, поглибити їх знання про мистецтво. Ознайомити учнів із новим граматичним матеріалом – дієприкметник. Продовжувати формувати комунікативні вміння учнів. Тренувати чнів в аудіюванні. Удосконалювати навички читання. Розвивати навички письма. Виховувати усвідомлення важливості впливу мистецтва на естетичний розвиток людини.

Обладнання: Підручник, дошка, картки, робочий зошит.



1. Прив і тання.

Т: How are you today?

Ps: We are fine,

thank you!

2. Пов і домлення теми та мети уроку.

Т: At this lesson we’ll continue the topic “Art”; so today we’ll speak about the art galleries, artists and masterpieces. And you’ll study what Participle is.

3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Впр.5 с.172.

4. Уведення в ін шомовну атмосферу.


1) Етап слухання тексту.

Учитель читае текст, учш слухають i рахують випадки узгодження час1в. Т: Listen to the story and say how many examples of the sequence of tenses you’ll hear.

NEW SHOES (Tale from China by Han Fei) A man needed a new pair of shoes. Before he went to the marketplace, he drew a detailed picture of his feet on a piece of paper, carefully measured them, and wrote down all their dimensions. Then, he set off on foot for the shoe store. Arriving later that day at the bazaar, he unhappily discovered that he had forgotten to bring the paper with

his measurements on it! He turned around and walked back home to get it. It was sunset by the time he returned to the market, and all the shops were closed. He explained his situation to one of the shopkeepers who had already packed away all his wares.

“Foolish man!” said the merchant. “You could have trusted your feet and tried the shoes on in the store! Why did you go home to get your diagrams?” The man blushed, “I guess I trusted my measurements more…”

2) Етап перев і рки розумшня злпсту тексту. Бес і да З Учнями.

Т: What did the man need? What did he do before he went to the marketplace? What did he discovere when he arrived at the bazaar? What did he do? What would he rather do? Why did he do that?

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