II семестр
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й аудіювання, систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.
1. Warm-up
Ask pupils to look at the map of the Crimea and find the cities famous for its resorts and landmarks. Write these headings and list on the board:
Landmarks and unique features | Place |
1) The Swallow’s Nest 2) The Dzhuma-Dzhami Mosque 3) The Fountain of Tears 4) The Picture Gallery of I. Aivazovskyi 5) The Vorontsov Palace 6) 7) The Livadia Palace 8) medical mud 9) mineral springs |
Ask pupils to fill in the chart. The first person to complete his / her list correctly wins.
Key: 1) Y>
2. Reading
Do Ex. 1, p. 122.
3. Writing and speaking
Do Ex. 2, p. 122.
4. Reading and speaking
Do Ex. 3, p. 122.
5. Speaking Role-play
Two people are talking about future holidays. They would like to visit different places and they prefer different ways of traveling. Make up a dialogue with your partner.
6. Speaking
Do Ex. 5, p. 123.
Sample questions about Ukraine
1) Where is Ukraine situated?
2) Are there any seas there?
3) Have you got any great rivers?
4) What are the largest cities in your country?
5) Have you got any resorts?
6) Can we hike mountains (mountain bike, ski, surf) anywhere?
7) How can we travel about?
8) What
9) What is the capital of your country? What is it famous for?
7. Summary
1) Where would you like to spend your holiday in our country? Why?
2) What well-known places of interest do you in Ukraine?
3) We are proud that we live in such a beautiful country, aren’t we? Why?
8. homework
Make up a leaflet about a resort in our country. You may use the following words: mountain, forest, river with cold water, fresh air, winter, skiing, lovely inn, warm springs.