Your progress in English
6.5. Your progress in English
P. 186
Grammar Smart
1. let
2. let
3. made
4. made
5. made
6. let
Word Smart
1. to
2. off
3. at, with
4. into
5. in
6. of
P. 189
Function Smart
1-c 2-a 3-d 4-f 5-b 6-e
Time to read
P. 190
1. Broadway is a theatre district.
2. Commercial theatres are located in Broadway.
3. Off Broadway theatres are situated throughout the city.
4. In the theatres-in-the-round the audience sit around the place where the actors perform.
5. Regional theatres introduce the plays of new playwrights.
6. Regional theatres regularly send their best shows to New York.
Time to write
People are lucky to have an opportunity to choose the way they want to spend their free time, for example, whether to go to the cinema or to the theatre. Some people are theatre admirers. Others suppose that nowadays theater is not as popular as cinema is. As for me, I would prefer to go to the cinema.
To my mind, cinema is more popular than theatre nowadays. I think one of the main reasons is that films are closer to the life of ordinary people and are easier for them to understand. In addition to this, tickets to the theatre are getting more and more expensive, thus many people cannot afford to buy them often.
My opponents would say that the popularity of theatre is increasing nowadays. I cannot agree with it. Cinema is still much more popular and it attracts the attention of more and more people.
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