Are you a theatre admire?
6.2. Are you a theatre admire?
Grammar Smart
P. 172 (a)
I am allowed to choose the film I like. He is not allowed to see horror films.
You are allowed to shoot a film about your classmates.
We were allowed to play in a school performance.
They are not allowed to take pictures in the theatre.
My friends are allowed to go to the theatre. My brother was allowed to write a film script.
Word Smart p. 173 (b)
1-b, 2-е, 3-c, 4-d, 5-а, 6-f, 7-h,8-g
Зразок виконання домашнього завдання.
I am a regular theatre-goer so I know the repertoire of our theater well.
Some days ago we went to our Opera and Ballet House to see “Nutcracker”.
I like ballet and I like the music of Chaikovsky so I was looking forward to it. I warn impressed very much. The scenery was wonderful, the acting was brilliant the music was beautiful.
I think I got a powerful theatre experience that day.
Time to read
Ex.2, p.176
1. stages
2. performances
3. applaud
4. admirer
5. rehearsal
6. guidance
Time to Communicate
P.176 (a)
I adore musicals and I am glad that I had a chance to see my favourite musical.
“The Phantom of Opera”. The music was composed by Andrew Lloyd Webster. The story centres around the mysterious phantom of the Paris Opera House.
The stage direction was fantastic. I enjoyed every minute of the performance.
I was looking at the stage with bated breath. When the performance was over, we all burst into applause. The actors received a lot of curtain calls and flowers.
I strongly recommend you to see it.
Time to write
P. 177
Dear Annie!
I am burning with impatience to tell you about my last visit to the theatre.
I am still under a great impression
Some days ago we went to our Opera and Ballet House to see “Nutcracker”.
I like ballet and I like the music of Chaikovsky so I was looking forward to it. I warn impressed very much.. The scenery was wonderful, the acting was brilliant the music was beautiful.
I was looking at the stage with bated breath. When the performance was over, we all burst into applause. The actors received a lot of curtain calls and flowers.
I think I got a powerful theatre experience that day.
I hope to hear about your most memorable performance. Please, write to me soon.
Yours Sarah
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