І семестр
Цілі: вдосконалювати вживання граматичної структури present perfect зі словами already, yet, ever; удосконалювати навички письма; розвивати увагу дітей та кмітливість.
1. Warm-up
Let’s revise irregular verbs.
Cut out the cards and give a card to each student. Each card consists of 6 irregular verbs. As each verb is called out the students cross them out on their cards. At the end of the game the winning student reads out three forms of the verbs on his/her card. You may call the words out of the teacher’s board (English or L1) or cut it into 20 squares, mix them up and draw them out one by one.
Teacher’s board
Go | Sing | Eat | Take | Make | Do |
Write | Learn | Wear | Become | Give | Run |
Bring | Begin | Fly | Drink | Sleep | Buy |
Catch | Forget | Leave | Hit | Swim | Break |
2. Speaking
Explain using the words just, already. Help pupils with the irregular verbs they need for their dialogues.
Work in pairs.
Make up short dialogues, use the sentences from your homework. Example:
Mother. Anton, sweep the floor, please.
You. I have already (just) swept it.
3. Writing
Do Ex. 1, p. 30. Then practise the pronunciation of the verbs chorally and individually.
4. Practise
5. Listening and speaking
Explain how to make up questions in the Present Perfect using ever. Write down the prompts on the board and then pupils in chain ask and answer about their experience.
S1. Have you ever been to Kyiv? -> S2. Yes, I have. Have you ever played with a bear? -> S3. No, I haven’t. Have you ever.? ->
Prompts: read / a comic
1) have / an operation
2) see / a shark
3) eat / an English pudding
4) see / a rainbow
5) make / an omelette
6) break / your arm
7) hear / about unusual things
8) visit / a dentist
9) swim / in the ocean
6. Writing
Do Ex. 4, p. 31.
7. Summary
Using the previous prompts say how many times you have done these things in your life. You may add your own examples.
I’ve never been to Kyiv. or I’ve been to Kyiv two times.
8. Homework
Your friend asks you if you are ready with your homework for tomorrow. Write a few sentences what you have already done and what you haven’t done yet.