Home Reading. “In the School Orchestra”
II Семестр
Тема. Home Reading. “In the School Orchestra”
Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання, ММ та ДМ; формувати навички вживання нових ЛО в усному мовленні учнів у граматичних структурах; навчити учнів самостійного непідготовленого висловлювання з теми з використанням мовленнєвих штампів; сприяти розвитку самостійного мислення, кмітливості; виховувати повагу до однокласників, інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
I. Організація класу. Привітання
II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення
III. Основна частина уроку
A) Lexical analysis of vocabulary notes:
Audition – bar – bow – conductor – measure – rehearsal – charge – insulted – music stand – sign up
B) Ex. 2, p. 177 – Match the words with their definitions:
1 – d 6 – і
2 – е 7 – b
3 – f 8 – е
4 – g 9 – h
5 – a
C) Ex. 5, 3 p. 177 – Chose the correct word from Ex. 2, to complete the sentences.
– The conductor / an audition
– Measures
– Triangle
– Stand partner
– Stick
– Bars / trombone
– The rehearsal
– Charged
D) Ex. 4, p. 178 – Find the words in the story to talk about:
– the decision of parents to sign up their children for the orchestra;
– the audition that the conductor gave Kim and her brother;
– meeting with Matthew.
E) Ex. 5,
– orchestra
– we had to play a few bars of music alone
– the triangle
– sharing a music stand with me
– a violin teacher
– who really liked music
– to draw my bow back and forth
– they also play musical instruments.
F) Ex. 6, p. 179 – Answer the questions.
– Did Kim and her brother want to play in the orchestra?
– Whom did the conductor put near the front of the orchestra?
– Where did he put Kim’s brother? Why?
– Who wanted to take the violin lessons?
– How did Kim play the cello?
– Where did Kim invite Matthew?
G) Say why Kim’s brother wanted to accept the conductor’s offer to play the triangle.
Imagine that your parents signed you up to play in the orchestra. What musical instrument would you choose? Why?
Complete the dialogues between the conductor of the orchestra and a newcomer.
IV. Завершальна частина уроку
Домашнє завдання
Thematic evaluation work.
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