Nice People
Lesson 9.3 Nice People
1. Make sentences with these two words.
Came, eating – When I came home, my sister was eating a cake.
Saw, crying | Met, going |
Called, drawing | Dropped, writing |
Fell down, playing | Took, sleeping |
Were you doing it when he came?
Was he doing it when she cam was not = wasn’t
I wasn’t sleeping when she saw me were not = weren’t
They weren’t sleeping when he saw them.
2. Mime a long action from Task 1. Your class will guess the sentence.
3. Put these words to the right column
Run – runNING | ComE – comING | Walk – walkING |
Say | Go | Lose |
Cry | Have | Drop |
Make | Stand | Draw |
Push | Play | Shout |
Look | Bump | Take |
Fall | Do | Put |
Sayng | Looking | Shoutting |
Crying | Haveing | Takking |
Makeing | Draping | Puting |
4. Look at the pictures and say what these people were doing in the story.
Drop | Bun | Fail |
Juice | A break | Help |
Finish the sentences with these words.
5. Do you know these words? Match them to the pictures.
I think Willie… | I am sure Willie… |
I think Willie didn’t… | I am sure Willie didn’t… |
6. Listen to the story and compare your sentences in Task 5
7. Make up questions with these words.
What did Willie drop in the canteen?
8. Listen to the story again and answer the questions from Task 7.
9. Look at the pictures and write 6 sentences about something people were doing there. Make one sentence false.
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