Lesson 52
Unit 5 THE BRITISH ISLES AND UKRAINE. NATIVE TOWN/VILLAGE Lesson 52 1. Look at the pictures and fill in the missing words. Go, finish, be, have USUALLY 1. Nick usually… 5 p. m. Yesterday
A Creative Mind
Unit Three: School Life 3.3. A Creative Mind Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box Mother-tongue Fluently Imitate Transcribe Gifted Culture To master a language To improve pronunciation To develop speaking skills To role-play a
My Progress in English
Unit One: Family Ties 1.5. My Progress in English I. Grammar Smart Match the beginnings to the endings of the tag questions. Beginnings Endings 1. You get along with your friends, 2. Your family
Lesson 6
Unit 1. My Family and Friends Lesson 6. 1. Work in groups. Take turns to read an opinion, respond and add information. Example: It’s good to live in a large family. A:I think so,
GRAMMAR REFERENCE ДІЄСЛОВО (THE VERB) Неозначені часи (Simple Tenses) Часи групи Simple виражають дію як факт, що відбувається в теперішньому часі. Теперішній неозначений час (Present Simple Tense) Present Simple виражає дію як факт, що
Unit 2 TIME FOR LEISURE Lesson 2 HOBBIES AND INTERESTS READING 1 Read and name the boys’ unusual hobbies. I am Oleh Kryvoshapko. And I am at our School Hobby Fair today. We can
The Present Continuous Tense
GRAMMAR REFERENCE (Граматичний довідник) ДІЄСЛОВО § 4. The Present Continuous Tense 1. The Present Continuous Tense утворюється так: V(основа дієслова) + – ing 2. The Present Continuous Tense позначає : – безперервну дію або
Revision Lesson 3 Shopping 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the be going to form. 1. What you (do) with this room? – I (paint) the walls in black and white. 2. The
UKRAINIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY A Альпінізм mountaineering Ананас pineapple Арахіс peanut Б Бажати wish Бізнес business Біль hurt Боєць warrior Брови eyebrows Буряк beetroot В Важкий heavy Велоспорт cycling Весло oar Вести lead Вечір evening Вибір
Lesson 74
Unit 7 MY SCHOOL Lesson 74 The Past Continuous Tense Утворення:was/were + ing Допоміжні дієслова: was, were 1. Make the sentences negative. 1. I was getting 15 minutes to a multistorey building. 2. I
Learn to talk about your best friend
UNIT 1 Me and My Friends 1.5 Learn to talk about your best friend Word Box Phrase Box Communication Box To share lamb Childhood everywhere to hopscotch – to live nearby – to have
FIRST AID KIT GRAMMAR UNIT ONE 1. Утворення прислівників. Щоб сказати, як ти можеш щось зробити, уживай прислівник, який утворюється додаванням суфікса – lу до прикметника, quick – quickly traditional – traditionally extreme –
Lesson 59
Unit 6 HOLIDAYS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 59 1. Listen, read and remember the words and word combinations. To celebrate /ˈsɛlɪbreɪt/ Святкувати Lenten /ˈlɛntən/ Пісний (про їжу) Wheat /wiːt/ Пшениця Honey /ˈhʌni/ Мед Nuts /nʌts/
Discovering English-speaking Countries
Unit Seven: Welcome to the English-speaking World 7.2. Discovering English-speaking Countries Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box To cross To reach Children Crew Voyage Inhabitant Province Percentage Battle Countrymen To make an unforgettable impression
Learn to talk about summer
Unit 1 Me and My Family Lessons 1-2 Learn to talk about summer Word Box Communication Box Summer fun To rollerskate To bathe in the sun all Day long To take pictures Glad to
Thank You, Grandma!
UNIT 7. FORECASTING MACHINE Lesson 7. 4 Thank You, Grandma! 1. What is going to happen on Monday? On Monday it is going to snow. 2. Fill in the gaps. – Is it going
Lesson 51
Unit 5 THE BRITISH ISLES AND UKRAINE. NATIVE TOWN/VILLAGE Lesson 51 1. Add two names to each category: Mountains: Snowdon,… Rivers: The Shannon,… Lakes: The Lough Neagh,… 2. Name the odd word out in
The Past Simple Tense
GRAMMAR REFERENCE (Граматичний довідник) ДІЄСЛОВО § 2. The Past Simple Tense 1. The Past Simple Tense вказує на дію, що регулярно або одноразово мала місце у минулому часі. Цей час утворюється так: V(основа дієслова)
Is It a Good Idea?
UNIT 11. MISS MOUSE’S GARDEN Lesson 11.2 Is It a Good Idea? 1. Which is bigger? Smaller? Tastier? А pumpkin is bigger than a mushroom. Pumpkin Cucumbers Garden Pepper Mushrooms House 2. Think of
Lesson 26
Unit 2 FOOD AND DRINKS CLOTHES Lesson 26 1. Ask your classmate: 1. if he/she will spend his/her holidays at the sea; 2. if he/she will buy a new sweater in a week; 3
Unit 1 FAMILY AND FRIENDS Lesson 2 AN ORDINARY FAMILY READING 1 Find out the words that are not connected with the family. Granddaughter, niece, pilot, brother, monkey, aunt, frog, wife, prince, son, father,
Dragon’s Colours
UNIT 1. STORY OF A DRAGON Lesson 1.4 Dragon’s Colours 1. Make up true sentences Chameleon Polite. The yellow dragon isn’t Go by plane. The white dragon is Lives in a dark cave. Redle
Lesson 28
Unit 2 FOOD AND DRINKS CLOTHES Lesson 28 1. Look at the pictures of things and say: a) what their pattern is; b) what their colour is. Model: It is a flowered yellow dress
Lesson 65
Unit 6 HOLIDAYS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 65 1. Match the pairs of words. 1. Ukrainian A) the Declaration 2. to celebrate B) day 3. to go C) holidays 4. to pass D) state 5.
Modal Verbs(модальні дієслова)
GRAMMAR REFERENCE (Граматичний довідник) ДІЄСЛОВО § 7. Modal Verbs(модальні дієслова) Більшість модальних дієслів мають два значення, перше з яких можна вважати первинним або головним. За першим значенням модальні дієслова дуже відрізняються: вони виражають обов’язок,
I Go by Bus
UNIT 1. STORY OF A DRAGON Lesson 1.2 I Go by Bus 1. Match the pictures to the words. 2. Close your textbook and say 6 sentences about the dragons. The yellow dragon goes
Lesson 33
Unit 3 LEISURE TIME Lesson 33 1. Match each picture with the activity. A) skiing B) taking photographs C) hiking D) visiting museums E) playing computer games F) going to the circus G) windsurfing
Unit 4 TRAVELLING – On the Move – So Many Places Pre-reading questions Why do people travel? What means of transport do you know? Is it important to plan a trip? Why? What places
Help Me, Please!
UNIT 1. STORY OF A DRAGON Lesson 1.3 Help Me, Please! 1. Choose the polite words. Go Sorry Thanks Goodbye Help Say See Welcome Please 2. Read and add a polite word. – Help
Picking Vegetables
UNIT 11. MISS MOUSE’S GARDEN Lesson 11.3 Picking Vegetables 1. Do you know these words? Match them to the pictures. 2. Name as many juicy fruits and berries as you can. 3. Match the
So Many Countries So Many Cultures
Unit Seven: Welcome to the English-speaking World 7.1. So Many Countries So Many Cultures Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box Straight A’s Beforehand Abroad Score Rare Observe Excursion To be a lifelong dream Not
“Step out of your cave and look around”
Unit Four: Travelling 4.4.”Step out of your cave and look around” Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box: how to express admiration Sea-dog Pile Jersey Seasick To have something round The corner To get drowned
Lesson 11
Unit 1 FAMILY. WORKING DAY Lesson 11 1. Listen, read and remember the words. To consist of Senior to Viewpoint To lose one’s temper Argue Hurt /ˈsiːnjə/ /ˈvjuːpɔɪnt/ /ˈɑːgjuː/ /hɜːt/ Складатися з Старший за
It Is Getting Hotter
UNIT 7. FORECASTING MACHINE Lesson 7.2 It Is Getting Hotter 1. Do you know these words? Ticket to the safari park Book Basket with sandwiches TV set Camera Snow The Internet Suitcase What are
Lesson 66
Unit 7 MY SCHOOL Timetable /ˈtaɪmˌteɪb(ə)l/ Розклад Subject / ˈsʌbʤɪkt / Предмет Homework /ˈhəʊmˌwɜːk/ Домашне Завдання Lesson/class /ˈlɛsn///klɑːs/ Урок/заняття To attend /əˈtɛnd/ Відвідувати (школу, урок) To count /kaʊnt/ Рахувати To do sums Розв’язувати задачі
Lessons 9-10
Unit 3. Food and Drinks Lessons 9-10. 1. Listen and repeat. Then match the words in the box with their definitions. – fresh – fried – frozen – raw – spicy – sweet –
Lesson 53
Unit 5 THE BRITISH ISLES AND UKRAINE. NATIVE TOWN/VILLAGE Lesson 53 1. Read the text. TOWN AND VILLAGE LIFE (Part I) We live in Ukraine. It is a country in Europe. It is smaller
Safe Swimming
UNIT 12. GOING TO THE SEASIDE Lesson 12.1 Safe Swimming 1. Do you know these words? Seaside Suitcase Learn Pack Clothes Safety rule Unpack Teach Check 2. Put these words into three groups. Some
Appearances are Deceptive
Unit One: Family Ties 1.3. Appearances are Deceptive Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box An orphan Liveliness Braids Expressive Freckles Freckled face curly hair pointed chin To be full of spirit broad and full
Learn to talk about your flat/house
Unit 3 The Place I Live In 3.3 Learn to talk about your flat/house Word Box Phrase Box Communication Box Upstairs Downstairs Dining room Fireplace Cottage – a two-room flat – flower pots –
Неозначений артикль
GRAMMAR REFERENCE (Граматичний довідник) АРТИКЛЬ В англійській мові є два артиклі – неозначений (а/ап) та означений (the). Артикль ніколи не вживається самостійно, він завжди стоїть перед іменником (а I the boy) або перед його
What’s for Dinner?
Unit Six: Help Yourself to… 6.1. What’s for Dinner? Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box To chew Steak To smell Cabbage rolls Mixed salad Appetizers Rare To be hungry as a hunter To taste
Lessons 8-9
Unit 2. Shopping Lessons. 8-9. 1. Ann and Dan are in London. They want to buy some souvenirs for their family and friends. Look at the photos and say what they can buy in
Unit 1 TIME FOR SCHOOL Lesson 1 ALL ABOUT ME READING 1 Read about Taras. 2 Say if it is true or false. A Taras lives in Lviv, B He is eleven, С Taras
Winter Holidays and Games
UNIT 6. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Lesson 6.1 Winter Holidays and Games 1. Do you know these words? Present Postcard Snowman Sledge Party Surprise Decoration Skates Snowballs Greetings Ski Family dinner 2. What is the
Lesson 73
Unit 7 MY SCHOOL Lesson 73 1. Make up and act out mini-dialogues on four of the pictures. Model: A: How do you like this English lesson? B: It’s amazing! It’s fantastic! It’s exciting!
Take a Test!
UNIT 12. GOING TO THE SEASIDE Lesson 12.5 Take a Test! 1. Say as many answers to each question as you can. What can you see at the seaside? How can you go to
Learn to talk about American spring holidays
Unit 6 Holidays and Traditions Lessons 84-86 Learn to talk about American spring holidays Word Box Communication Box To search for… especially egg hunt to give a concert to go picnicking a three-legged race
Learn to talk about the secrets of plant life
Unit 6 Nature Araund Us 6.3 Learn to talk about the secrets of plant life Word Box Phrase Box Communication Box To participate Soil Seed To sprinkle To harvest weed crop – window garden
Non-food Shopping
Unit Five: Are you Good at Shopping? 5.3 Non-food Shopping Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box Stationer’s ready-made clothes footwear perfumery leather goods detergents casual clothes household goods To be aware of something To
Learn to talk about your school playground
Unit 4 School Lite 4.4 Learn to talk about your school playground Word Box To skip Tag Competition Phrase Box – break time – adventure play ground – to eat a snack – to
Lesson 39
Unit 3 LEISURE TIME Lesson 39 1. Read the dialogue, act it out and make up a similar one. A: We are going camping. Would you like to join us? B: I’d rather go
May Success Attend You!
Unit Two: On Your Hobby Horse 2.1. May Success Attend You! Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box To interview somebody To hit thrilling speed To take off to land To take a walk in
Lesson 15
Unit 1 FAMILY. WORKING DAY Lesson 15 Модальне дієслово must виражає обов’язок, необхідність. Наприклад: You must go there – Ти повинен піти туди. Заперечну форму утворюємо за допомогою частки not. яку ставимо після must.
Unit 3 TIME FOR HOME LESSON 4 GRANNY’S STORIES READING 1 Ask and answer in pairs. – Do you like stories? – Who is the best storyteller in your family? – What is your
Lesson 32
Unit 3 LEISURE TIME Lesson 32 1. Make the sentences negative. 1. He took in his trousers. 2. She wore an evening dress to the party. 3. I wore the latest styles. 4. I
Choosing a Route
Unit Four: Travelling 4.1. Choosing a Route Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box To search Stream Options Amusement Park Island See-saw Destination To do merry-go-round To go on the roller-coaster To put tip a
Learn to talk about winter holidays
Unit 5 Holiday 5.4 Learn to talk about winter holidays Word Box Phrase Box Communication Box Groundhog Shadow Defender Behaviour – to obey parents and teachers – a whipping rod – to predict the
Lesson 50
Unit 5 THE BRITISH ISLES AND UKRAINE. NATIVE TOWN/VILLAGE Lesson 50 1. Look at the pictures and remember the words. 2. Practise saying the geographical names. The British Isles /ðə/ /ˈbrɪtɪʃ/ /aɪlz/ Британські острови
How to Sail
UNIT 12. GOING TO THE SEASIDE Lesson 12.4 How to Sail 1. Find the opposites. Fast Slow Expensive Comfortable Tiring Cheap 2. Make as many answers to the question as you can. Which transport
Learn to talk about travelling in different seasons
Unit 7 Travelling 7.1 Learn to talk about travelling in different seasons Word Box Phrase Box Communication Box To sunbathe magic amazing sledge – to get around – places of interest – to climb
Unit 1 TIME FOR SCHOOL Lesson 4 AN ENGLISH TEST READING 1 Say if you have a pen-friend (e-mail friend) who writes his / her letters in English. – If yes, does it help
In the Dark Town
UNIT 4. THE BEST PET Lesson 4.1 In the Dark Town Do you know these words? Big Fluffy Pretty Friendly Quiet Clever Noisy Dangerous Messy Choose a pet and describe it. Let your partner
Lesson 19
Unit 2 FOOD AND DRINKS CLOTHES Lesson 19 1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1. Is there any cauliflower on the table? 2. Are there many limes near the oranges? 3.
Lesson 12
Unit 1 FAMILY. WORKING DAY Lesson 12 Модальне дієслово can вживається, щоб а) виразити вміння або можливість виконати дію в теперішньому часі, б) попросити дозволу щось зробити. Наприклад а) I can read – Я
Where Are the Monsters?
UNIT 8. FUNNY MONSTERS Lesson 8.2 Where Are the Monsters? 1. Look at the pictures and say where the monsters are. The blue monster is sitting on the bench. 2. Do you know these
The Two of Us: My Friend and I
Unit One: Family Ties 1.4.The Two of Us: My Friend and I Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box Storyteller Unite Well-read Hard-worker Devoted To get along with somebody To share interests To see a
Unit 2 TIME FOR LEISURE Lesson 4 FRIENDS ONLINE READING 1 Say if you have got an e-mail friend. Think about useful things you can get from e-mailing. Share your thoughts with class. 2
In Season and Out of Season
Unit Two: On Your Hobby Horse 2.3. In Season and Out of Season Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box To daydream Lovingly A saddle Stubborn To gallop Half-way To outgrow somebody To ride a
We Had Fun!
UNIT 3. GHOST OF THE FOREST Lesson 3.4 We Had Fun! 1. Which words are correct? Make sentences with them The bears thought the third spook was real. Thinked Cut Taked off Went Came
Learn to talk about autumn clothes
Unit 7 Seasons Dancing Lessons 93 – 95 Learn to talk about autumn clothes Word Box Communication Box Weather forecast to change raincoat Wellington boots to grow taller/bigger/ smaller … in warm / cold
Mind your Manners
Unit Six: Help Yourself to… 6.3. Mind your Manners Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box Napkin Pocket To behave Serviette Table mat Table coaster Etiquette To pay attention To something To beg somebody’s pardon
Unit 2 SCHOOL IS COOL! Pre-reading questions: -My School Days -My Sports – How many lessons have you got on your week days? – What do you usually do in your favourite lesson? –
My Favourite Character
UNIT 13. MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER Lesson 13.3 My Favourite Character 1. Find the pairs and speak about these characters. A and 5 Benedict the bird lived in the nest with his brothers and sisters.
Деякі прийменники часу
GRAMMAR REFERENCE (Граматичний довідник) ПРИЙМЕННИК § 2. Деякі прийменники часу Прийменник Значення Приклади In 1) в (століття/ роки/ пори року/ місяці/тижні); 2) через/за (якийсь час); 3) за (якийсь період) 1) in the 20th century/1999/winter/
Keep a Secret
UNIT 6. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Lesson 6.2 Keep a Secret 1. Which of these words do we use to speak about everyday activities and which of them about yesterday? Buy Wrote Give Had Kept
Introduction Welcome Back!
Introduction Welcome Back! Lessons – 1-2. 1. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer the questions. Use the words in the box given below. – to meet in the school yard – to greet
Lesson 41
Unit 4 WEATHER. NATURE Lesson 41 1. Listen, read and remember the words. Rainfall /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ Сильний дощ Overcast /ˈəʊvəkɑːst/ Похмурий Thunderstorm /ˈθʌndəstɔːm/ Гроза Flash flooding Миттєве затоплення Torrential rain / Проливний дощ Pour cats
Learn to talk about your class
Unit 4 My School Lessons 53-59 Learn to talk about your class Word Box Communication Box Grade class this year Take sb for an outing to move away Isn’t it amazing? I’ll try! Can
Числівники в різних конструкціях та сполученнях
GRAMMAR REFERENCE (Граматичний довідник) ЧИСЛІВНИК §2. Числівники в різних конструкціях та сполученнях Вік I am fifteen (years old). – Мені 15 (років). She is four (years old). – їй 4 (роки). Час 5.00 –
Lesson 54
Unit 5 THE BRITISH ISLES AND UKRAINE. NATIVE TOWN/VILLAGE Lesson 54 1. A friend of yours is coming to visit you, but she doesn’t know how to get to your place. Read the letter,
Особові та присвійні займенники
GRAMMAR REFERENCE (Граматичний довідник) ЗАЙМЕННИК §2. Особові та присвійні займенники Особа Число Особові Присвійні Називний Відмінок Об’єктний Відмінок 1 Однина І Me My Множина We Us Our 2 Множина You You Your 3 Однина
TAPESCRIPTS Exercise 1, page 36 Five Loaves of Bread Mr Brown went to the market every day. He always bought five loaves of bread there. One day Mr Brown met his friend, Mr Smith.
Learn to talk about nature in spring
Unit 7 Seasons Dancing Lessons 99-101 Learn to talk about nature in spring Word Box Communication Box Shower To stay indoors to melt to appear to keep warm to change quickly It looks /
Lesson 61
Unit 6 HOLIDAYS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 61 The Present Continuous Tense Утворення: am/is/are +ing Допоміжні дієслова: am, is, are Spelling Write – writing sit – sitting Walk – walking lie – lying 1. Read
Nice People
UNIT 9. SCHOOL STORIES Lesson 9.3 Nice People 1. Make sentences with these two words. Came, eating – When I came home, my sister was eating a cake. Saw, crying Met, going Called, drawing
Lesson 3
Unit 8. School Life Lesson З. 1. Look, read and match the pictures with the geographical names in the box. – mountains – a valley – a river – the sea – the ocean
Learn to talk about your afternoon time
Unit 2 All Day Long Lessons 24-26 Learn to talk about your afternoon time Word Box Communication Box Housework Yard To look after sth To do the room lawn Handicrafts … is speaking. I’m
What Do Animals Like?
UNIT 2. TAKE CARE OF ANIMALS! Lesson 2.1 What Do Animals Like? 1. Look and say which animal you like and which animal you don’t like. I like hippos because they are funny I
Unit 3 CAFES AND SHOPS Lesson 2 GOING SHOPPING VOCABULARY 1 Look, listen and repeat. At the newsagent’s they sell newspapers, magazines, copybooks, pens. At the baker’s you can buy bread, buns, rolls, cakes
Learn to talk about your sister or brother
Lessons 12-14 Learn to talk about your sister or brother Word Box Communication Box Twin sisters/brothers An only child To look alike Fair/red/dark-haired Blue/brown/grey/green-eyed Sure. How lucky you are! … , right? Great! 1.
He Found His Home!
UNIT 5. A PLACE TO LIVE Lesson 5.4 He Found His Home! 1. Match the words to the pictures and make sentences. In our village there are no modern houses. 2. Make a puzzle
ENGLISH-UKRAINIAN DICTIONARY A Above /əˈbʌv/ вище According /əˈkɔːdɪŋ/ відповідно до Across /əˈkrɒs/ через Activity /ækˈtɪvɪti/ діяльність Afford /əˈfɔːd/ мати змогу Afternoon /ˈɑːftəˈnuːn/ день/полудень Age /eɪʤ/ вік Aim /eɪm/ ціль Airman /ˈeəmən/ льотчик Always /ˈɔːlweɪz/
Learn to talk about New Year and Christmas
Unit 5 Holiday 5.3 Learn to talk about New Year and Christmas Word Box Phrase Box Communication Box Reindeer Candle Church Cards Rooster – to take place – Christmas card – Christmas wreath –
Time For Fun
Unit 4 Appearance Time For Fun 1. Listen and read. Here comes the But where is Ma? Over here! snow. And where is Down here. What about Mabel Tommy? and Pa? Over there What
Good Idea!
UNIT 11. MISS MOUSE’S GARDEN Lesson 11. 1 Good Idea! 1. What can you see in the pictures? I can see a house in the village. There is a garden with some vegetables. 2.
Learn to talk about the secrets of animal life
Unit 6 Nature Araund Us 6.4 Learn to talk about the secrets of animal life Word Box Spike To explore Jungle Spider Reptile Phrase Box – nature corner – magnifying glass – tropical rain
Lesson 23
Unit 2 FOOD AND DRINKS CLOTHES Lesson 23 1. Listen, read and remember the words. Great /greɪt/ Чудовий Wonderful /ˈwʌndəfʊl/ Дивовижний Fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ Фантастичний Terrible /ˈtɛrəbl/ Жахливий Awful /ˈɔːfʊl/ Жахливий Disgusting /dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ/ Огидний Tasty
Unit 4 TIME FOR OUTDOORS Lesson 1 WEATHER MIX VOCABULARY 1 Listen to the sounds. What images come to your mind? What is the weather like? REMEMBER! Sun – sunny Wind – windy Cloud
READ FOR PLEASURE TEXT 7 AT THE SEASIDE 1. Read the text. In summer Pavlo usually goes to the seaside with his family. He goes to the beach every day. He watches the sea,