Favourite Numbers
Lesson 8.4 Favourite Numbers
1. Name the numbers.
52 | 89 | 12 | 45 |
8 | 38 | 13 | 71 |
11 | 69 | 100 | 23 |
Look at the pictures of monsters and find which numbers they don’t like.
The monsters don’t like…
2. Say a number. Let your partner say a sentence about the monster with this number (with his/her book closed).
– 8.
– The grey monster’s favourite number is 8.
– Yes, you are right.
One – the first | Two – the second | Three – the third |
Four – the fourth | Five | Six – the sixth |
3. Read and finish the sentences.
The first monster is grey. His favourite number is eight.
The second monster…
The third…
Mother Monster gets tired of looking for her monsters. She sits on the bench and remembers that every monster has got his most favourite number.
So she says:
“Eight, twenty-three, twelve, forty-five, thirty-eight, fifty-two, sixty-nine, seventy-one, eighty-nine, ninety-eight, one hundred!” All her monsters come out and run to her.
Ten monsters and their mother have a lovely picnic in the park.
(After Stephanie Calmenson)
4. Look at the picture and find all 10 monsters.
The pink monster is behind the fountain.
5. Listen and write which monster it is.
– The first monster is sitting behind the fountain.
– The first monster is pink.
6. Think of a number from 30 to 60.
Keep it a secret. Let
– Are you thinking of number 31?
– No, my number is more than 31.
– Are you thinking of number 60?
– No, my number is less than 60.
– Are you thinking of number 40?
– Yes, my number is 40.
7. Fill in the gaps and say the words.
F __ __st | Se__ __ nd | Th__ __ d |
Fou__ __ h | Fif __ __ | Si__ __ h |
T__ __ th | Eig__ __ h | Ni__ __ h |
8. Find all the monsters in the picture and write about them.
I found the first monster in the…