Мої спортивні уподобання
Мета: повторити й узагальнити лексичний матеріал теми; розвивати вміння монологічного мовлення; продовжувати формувати в учнів комунікативні навички; учити висловлювати свою думку; удосконалити техніку читання; виховувати інтерес до спорту.
Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.
Т. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?
Перевірка домашнього завдання
Впр. 5, с. 82.
Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
Т. Well, I am very glad that you are fond of
Cl – T
Situation 1
One of you is an interviewer. The other is a famous sportsman. Ask and answer the questions. The interviewer wants to get the following information:
? when the sportsman began to go in for sports;
? if she / he wanted to become a professional;
? how much time she / he trains a day;
? her / his hobby;
? her / his advice to young people who want to make a career in sport.
– When have you begun to go in for sport? – I have begun to go in for sport when I was 7 years old.
– Did you want to become a professional? – Yes, I did. I always dreamed to be a top player.
– How much time did you train a day? – I trained 5 hours a day.
– What are your hobbies? – My hobbies are running,
– What is your advice to young people who want to make a career in sport? – Young people have to go in for sport because it’s very important for their he>
Situation 2
One of you is an American
? sports and games popular in your school;
? where children can do sports;
? sport equipment at school;
? competitions held for school sports teams.
– What sports and games are popular in your school? – Football and volleyball are popular in our school.
– Where do the pupils do sports? – They do sports on the sports – ground and in the gym.
– Do you have any sport equipment? – Yes, we do.
– What competitions did you hold at school? – We held football and volleyball competitions.
Впр. 6, с. 83.
Впр. 7, с. 83.
Впр. 8, с. 84.
Підбиття підсумків уроку
? at this lesson we have revised vocabulary of topic “Sport”
? did reading, writing, listening and speaking on this topic
? worked on the computer with a new test-programs
Домашнє завдання
Впр. 10, с. 85.