The World Wide Net




C) The World Wide Net

Ex. 3, p. 69

Current events, World Wide Web, e-mail massage, surfing the net, download information, web Elites, computer screen

Ex. 4, p. 70


1) c

2) d

3) e

4) a

5) f

6) b


– The Internet is a huge network of computers spanning this planet.

– Firstly there are two ways of using the Internet. First way is to have some knowledge about how to use computer and how to connect to the net. In this case you can go in the nearest Internet cafe and get in the net. The other way is to buy your own computer, modem or satellite antenna, a book how to use the net and enjoy your presence in the Internet.

– With the help of search programs or some internet addresses we can surf the net.

– Yes, it is nearly the same. In fact it is several webs.

– The purpose of the Internet

varies greatly. It can be used for work, for pleasure, entertainment, etc.

There are thousands of radio stations, TV channels in the net. Also there we can find video conferences, on-line games, chats, etc. It is a very busy place.

– Web site is a small site in the net. In fact one of many millions, everybody can visit. Of course, if you have its address or password and login in case if this site is secured.

Ex. 5, p. 70

1. Who used the Internet at first?

2. Do you need CD to send e-mail?

3. Have they got a web site?

4. Can I pay for my ticket through the net?

5. Is it so exiting to surf the net?

6. Will she download all those documents?

7. Does Bob like sending e-mail to his friends?

8. Is it a computer virus?

Ex. 6, p. 70

E-mail, surfing the net, web sites, download, current events, computer screen.

Ex. 9. p. 71


– To my thinking it is the second sentence.

– It is the article for using the Internet.





chats, on-line shopping, entertainment

Span, viruses, too much information,

Low speeds of modern Internet, cyber friends,


Huge amount of information, news group

On-line information, multimedia web pages, maintenance centres for your software, etc


Sometimes surfing the net is a real adventure.

Yesterday I changed my e-mail address.

There are thousands of viruses which exist in the net.

For getting fresh news every day you should j oin the newsgroup.

For your registration you should visit’ our web site and arid all your personal information. In. the net everyone can chat with friends.

When I was downloading a document from the net yesterday, my computer was infected by Worm-virus.

You can save a lot of time by using this kind of programme.

In search of some information I needed I came across a very interested site devoted to pop music.

Nobody could predict the current events of the year 2001.

Without doubt we can name Microsoft the world leader in production of software.

This problem can be solved only by changing your e-mail address.

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