Lesson 1.1
Greeny. Hi, how are you?
Dragon. Fine, thanks. How are you?
Greeny. I’m OK, but you are not OK. Why are you white?
Dragon. I don’t want to be white, but who can help me?
Greeny. Go and ask Redle, the red dragon. She knows a lot.
Dragon. Thanks. I’ll do it!
Greeny. Good luck!
Dragon. Goodbye!
Lesson 7.5
1. a) domestic animals;
B) wild animals;
C) pets.
2. a) warm and sunny;
B) rainy and cloudy;
C) hot and sunny.
3. a) washing machine;
B) weather telling machine; с radio machine.
4. a) have a picnic;
B) swim in the sea;
C) get wet in the rain.
5. a) winter clothes;
B) summer clothes;
C) spring clothes.
6. a) wet;
B) hot;
C) happy.
7. a) cold in her clothes;
B) warm in her clothes;
C) hot in her clothes.
8. a) right on Thursday and on Friday;
B) wrong on Friday but right on Thursday;
C) wrong on Thursday and Friday.
Lesson 10.3
1. a) the ghost;
B) his mother;
C) the teacher.
2. a) George;
B) Fred;
C) Peter.
3. a) lots of money;
B) lots of pencils;
C) lots of ghosts.
4. a) a very bad ghost;
B) a very big ghost;
C) a very good ghost.
5. a) old door;
B) old house;
C) old book.
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